Thursday, June 3, 2021

I, Perfecto Bauer Garcia, was wrongfully charged of a Felony based on a false Napa Police report NPD16-006776, and I was poisoned with a deadly drug called PCP while in the custody of Napa, County Jail of 2019.

This is my story; by Perfecto Bauer Garcia.

I'm thinking on doing a book and maybe a movie too. I, have a lot of evidence to proof of discrimination, racist and corruption through government law enforcement including the Napa District Attorney's.

Darrel Joseph Hanson and Duncan Footman, found this cassett on my front porch.

Judge Raymond Guadagni, was a conflict of interest in my preliminary examination trial CR183040. He was involved with my fathers lawsuit with the Lenore Stearns estate and he is bias and racist!

Rawmond A. Guadagni in the above document.


Line 4! My public attorney Mr. Andrew Thomas Higgins! Violated my civil rights, he didn't allow me to produce all my evidence!

Darrel Joseph Hanson, telling the court that the Napa Police made a false report!

Line 6 and 7! Because he is white and I'm not allowed to have equal rights!

Line 5, there wasn't any proof that I hit him and I never said anything about hitting Hanson, as Prosecutor Gary A VanCamp said on the court transcript with my car it was all hearsay! It was a setup by Richard Paul Eldridge, Office Andrew Hess, Darrel Joseph Hanson, Napa Judge Raymond A. Guadagni, Judge Mark Boessenecker and Napa District Attorneys, conspiracy to have me killed in jail with PCP and took away my sleep apeane machine, so I can die in jail!

Line 26 to line 28, No I was not.

Napa Prosecutor Gary A. Van Camp, there's ongoing posting that the defendant's done for years. If he knows about me recording Hanson, for years than  he seen Hanson, use his car as a deadly weapon on July 04, 2002, attempting to run over my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, with his car that doesen't bother Mr. VanCamp! Are on May 28, 2003, when I record Hanson for shining a laser in my eyes that didn't bother Mr. VanCamp either! Are when Hanson, commited a felony on my fathers restaining order 26-21550, that didn't bother Mr. VanCamp! Are when I was protecting my father from a lunatic Hanson, harassing and badgering my family and myself by recording his racist behavior! That doesn't bother Mr. Gary VanCamp, white people can do what they want as long as they have the Police and judges and district attorneys to back them up from prosecution!

Line 14 to 28. Judge Mark Boessenecker, is bias and racist and he works out at the same gym with Hanson, and he dropped all of my familys restraining order violations with strong evidence! My proof is this entire blog of this injustice for me and my family.


Napa Prosecuting Attorneys Gary A. VanCamp, Kathryn Freehand Susemilh, Nicole A. Noonan Miller, witheld crucial evidence from me and my attorney in my criminal trial case #CR183040.



















Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, lied to the Honorable Judge Francisca P. Tisher, he said I can't take this harassment anymore and that he is selling his house and moving out of the neighborhood within three months as of June 19, 2003! He is a pathological liar, a lunatic with a Mental Health disorder that he doesn't know the difference on what’s real or a fantasy! He's racist! And the Napa Police officer's and the Napa District Attorneys are aware of this lunatic Mental Health Disorder!


And why didn’t he move? Is it because he enjoys harassing and badgering myself and my family! He’s even manipulated the Napa Police officer’s Michael Moore, officer Jeffrey Hansen, officer Andrew Hess, officer Ryan Cole, officer Frank Esser, officer Judy Bond, Judge Raymond Giuliani, Judge Mark Boessenecker, Napa District Attorney Gary A. VanCamp, Napa District Attorney Kathryn Freehand Susemilh, Napa District Attorney Nicole A. Noonan Miller! He’s even used his car as a deadly weapon on my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, on July 4, 2002, there was a Napa Police report written by Napa Police officer Andrew Hess! Where was the Napa District Attorney for my father? Why wasn’t he charged with a Felony with a deadly weapon hitting my father with his car?  


Page 10.

Page 11.

Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, was living at 531 Monroe Street, Napa, California, from June 19, 2003, to present!

The State Bar of CALIFORNIA:


Dear Sir or Madam,


My name is Mr. Perfecto Bauer Garcia.


Case number 22-0-02163 Jennifer Allison Haley



I’m submitting a CD that has all the Napa Court Transcripts in my criminal trial CR183040.


1.     Napa District Attorney- Nicole-Noonan Miller, license # 276951. Didn’t tell the Judge that the alleged victim Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, has a battery charge back in July of 1985, and he has a history of Mental Health disorder and he was not found guilty by reason of Insanity! I believe she and other Napa District Attorney’s also violated my civil rights as a defendant in my trial CR183040. 


2.     Napa District Attorney- Kathryn Freehand Susemilh, license # 242909. Didn’t tell the Judge that the alleged victim Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, has a battery charge back in July of 1985, and he has a history of Mental Health disorder and he was not found guilty by reason of Insanity! I believe she and other Napa District Attorney’s also violated my civil rights as a defendant in my trial CR183040. 


3.     Napa District Attorney prosecutor Mr. Gary A. VanCamp, license # 97928.  Didn’t tell the Judge that the alleged victim Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, has a battery charge back in July of 1985, and he has a history of Mental Health disorder and he was not found guilty by reason of Insanity! I believe she and other Napa District Attorney’s also violated my civil rights as a defendant in my trial CR183040. 


4.     More evidence of Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, you can find on YouTube. Just type his full name and city and state CA in the search bar. He has threatened my life and my father’s life too. He has violated restraining order 26-21550. According to the Napa District Attorney’s and Napa Police officer’s he is above the law. They protect him from criminal prosecution! On Napa Police Report 02-6711 Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, was charged with P.C. 245- Assault with a deadly weapon, hitting my father’s leg with his car and the Napa Police officer made a false report he checked mark no evidence and I gave him evidence of a video and audio VHS tape showing him driving with his head lights off driving around the block at night time several times. This happened on July 04, 2002.


5.     There is also a YouTube video and audio of Officer Andrew Hess, Napa California. He was bias and racist and disrespectful to my father he said to my father why don’t you come at here big guy and stop dicking around!  The Napa District Attorney’s and Napa Police officers are aware of his constantly of him harassing me and my family, that is why I had to keep him under surveillance for evidence of his harassment’s! He also lied 6. to many Judges and he and a Napa Police officer Mr. Frank Esser, made a false Police report on me. All my evidence is on my blog.






7.     I would like to know why the Napa District Attorney’s didn’t charge Mr. Hanson for an assault with a deadly weapon? On Police report 02-6711, Police report 04-6220? And I also want to know why Mrs. Jennifer Allison Haley, and her Napa District Attorney’s didn’t investigate on who tried to kill me in Their Jail from them poisoning me with PCP and keeping my C-PAP machine in there property room I could of died?

My father Mr. Rudy Garcia, another claim.

Evidence for the California State Bar.

Napa Police officer Andrew Hess is racist and bias! He check marks no evidence! He is a liar! I gave him  VHS tape with evidence!
This report was sent to the District Attorney's and we didn't get a reply! Why?

I, was at the fair grounds on August 8, 1983. I, was walking and all of sudden someone pushed me backwards and I fell on the ground, I got up not looking who pushed me and I hit him on the face with my right hand and knocked him out! Then I looked on the ground and found out it was a Napa Police officer it was Mutual combat! I wasn't resisting arrest the dumb Police officers circled around me and they were pulling me in all deferent directions!  

Maybe this is why some Napa Police officers have so much hate for me! I don't know the name of the officer I knocked out! Maybe he is related officer Andrew Hess?


Ms. Kathryn Susemilhl, didn't tell the judge that the allged victim Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, was fount not guilty of a Battery charge reason of insanity! This information was withheld from me and the juror's in my trial CR183040!


I'm going to report all my evidence to the California State Bar, for them violating my civil rights!

NOT GULTY BY REASON OF MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER! So the Napa Police officer's and the Napa District Attorney's are taking the word of a lunitic that doesn't know the defferance between reality or fantasy! On Napa Police report NPD16-006776!

Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker, not going to be 1101 evidence!



My theory is some Napa Police Officer's, some Napa District Attorney's, Some Napa Sheriff Deputie's, including lunatick Darrel Joseph Hanson, are racist and bias and they have so much hatred for my father and myself that they would 
jeopardize their careers to falsify legal order after hearings and falsify Napa Police reports to convict an inccent family of a crime they didn't commit! My father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, in the above article Another claim.

And lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, has a reason for his false Napa Police reports, is he is conspiring with corrupted law enforcement and his girlfriend Pamela Lunceford and her family also wanted the Lenore Stearns, estate! He was seeking revenge for his girlfriend! His lunatic mind didn't like the idea of a Mexican man to inherit 8 million dollars including the Lenore Stearns estate.

Pamela Lunceford's grandmothe Jessie Lunceford, in the above article.

Mr. Hanson testified under oath that I hit him with my car and he did three flips over my car and landed on his head with no injuries which is impossible to do! One of the jurors is related to a Napa Police officer Mr. Ryan Cole and he was the one to file criminal charge on me in case # CR183040 PID # 200501404-02. And officer Mr. Cole and Officer Mr. Andrew Hess was also a conflict of interest in my case because and the judge Mark Boessenecker, said in the court room that he and  Mr. Hanson works out at the  same gym! This case should have been a mistrial!  One of the jurors and judge Mark Boessenecker, is a conflict of interest. The jury believed in Mr.Darrel Hanson’s false testimony and convicted me as a felony! I, was wrongfully convicted and someone tried to kill me while I, was in Napa County jail with a deadly drug called PCP and I had many falls and severe injuries to my neck/back/knees/ankles/shins and fingers! I was setup by Mr. Hanson, and his neighbor Mr. Richard Eldridge, Mrs. Rhonda Eldridge, Mrs. Sarah Marie Thornton, Napa Police Captain officer Mr. Andrew Hess, Napa Police officer Mr. Ryan Cole,Napa Police officer Michael Moore and Napa District attorney prosecutor Mr. Gary A Van Camp. My public defender Mr. Andrew Thomas Higgins suggested for me not to testified and he wouldn't let me use any of my evidence to submit for the trial that would of acquitted me of the felony charges! Because the judge Mr. Boessenecker, Mr. Camp and my public attorney Mr. Higgins agreed not to bring up the past and yet Mr. Camp, did talk about my past history of a battery with a Police officer back in the 80’s. Mr. Camp, didn’t mention anything to the jurors about Mr. Hanson’s battery, case number 15079 of him evading a Police officer’s safety per DMV court code 28100 and that the charges were dismissed because Mr. Hanson, reason of insanity and Mental Health Disorder! I wanted to submit a Napa Police report done by Mr. Hanson and Mr. officer Frank Esser, which was a false Police report that I think the jury should have heard about his credibility! This insane man Mr. Hanson, has threatened my life, and my father’s life too and he has harassed me and my family for many years and he wasn’t charged with any multilabel hate crimes against me and my family when my family and myself had strong evidence against him! This insane man seems to be above the law, with the help of some Napa Police officers and with the help of judges and Napa District attorney’s! 



From: ByarsKathy (CRT) <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 11:14 AM
Subject: ID: 1012-UFW


Dear Sir/Madam:


            Thank you for your correspondence.  The Civil Rights Division relies on information from community members to identify potential civil rights violations.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies conduct investigations for the Division.  Therefore, you may want to contact your local FBI office or visit


The Criminal Section is one of several Sections in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.  We are responsible for enforcing federal criminal civil rights statutes.  The Criminal Section prosecutes criminal cases involving:  


• Civil rights violations by persons acting under color of law, such as federal, state, or other police officers or corrections officers;

• Hate crimes;

• Force or threats intended to interfere with religious activities because of their religious nature;

• Force or threats intended to interfere with providing or obtaining reproductive health services and

• Human trafficking in the form of coerced labor or commercial sex. 

We cannot help you recover damages or seek any other personal relief.  We also cannot assist you in ongoing criminal cases, including wrongful convictions, appeals, or sentencing.  For more detailed information about the Criminal Section or the work we do, please visit our web page:


We will review your letter to decide whether it is necessary to contact you for additional information.  We do not have the resources to follow-up on or reply to every letter.  If your concern is not within this Section’s area of work, you may wish to consult the Civil Rights Division web page to determine whether another Section of the Division may be able to address your concerns:  Again, if you are writing to report a crime, please contact the federal and/or state law enforcement agencies in your local area, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation or your local police department or sheriff’s office.




The Criminal Section


I have evidence of a conspiracy with the Napa Police Department, the Napa Superior Court Supervisor Betty Sue Calassa and Leroy Paul Eldridge, Tara Jowitt, Frank Marshall, Richard Paul Eldridge, his ex-wife Angela Carol Eldridge and Napa district attorneys and some Napa police officers conspired and fabricated legal court document restraining order C67795 was "MUTUAL"! And they never added the word "MUTUAL"! Made it a one-way order to set up my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia. This went on from December 14, 1993 to April 14, 1998! Pure hate crime!



I, Perfecto Bauer Garcia is submitting more evidence of a hate crime and a conspiracy to attempt to kill me. They are Richard Paul Eldridge, his wife Rhonda R. Eldridge, her daughter Sarah Marie Curtis their address is 554 Monroe Street, Napa, California. Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson conspired to set up a with the help of Mr. Eldridge, Mrs. Eldridge, Mrs. Sarah Marie Curtis and her married last name is Thornton. And he also had help from Napa Police officers Jefferey Alan Hansen, officer Michael Moore and Napa Police officer Andrew Hess, he is an enemy to me and my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia. He has falsified a Police report 02-6711 against Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson on July 4, 2002, to protect him from prosecution of a felony charge! Mr. Hanson did use his car as a weapon trying to kill my father, Mr. Hess, stated that he was unable to determine if a 245 P.C. occurred due to conflicting statements and no evidence. I request that this report be forwarded to the Napa District Attorney's Office for the listed complaint. There was plenty of evidence Mr. Hanson, left his drive way with two headlights working and after he hit my father's dog Mr. Hanson's passenger's headlight was out and he flipped a u turn to harass my father by following him home. And if Mr. Hanson, was innocent then what was the reason for him leaving his house, to go to the store? And why was Mr. Hanson driving his car with one headlight out several times around the block? I was a wittiness my brother was a wittiness and a video and audio tape were evidence. I also have a YouTube of Officer Andrew Hess, telling my father to stop "DICKING AROUND AND END THIS"! And he also said he has a lot more than you do! He was not performing the duties of a Police Officer! He was being racist, judge and jury! Napa Police Officer Ryan Cole, was going to write a Police Report from a complaint call from Mr. Hanson, around November of 2016. Mr. Hess, crossed out Mr. Cole’s name off the report and added his name on the complaint report. Mr. Hanson, said I tried to kill him with my car. And a couple of weeks before that Mr. Hanson, was shining a laser pointed at my father's eyes as he is walking down his stairs, trying to make him fall that's how much hate Mr. Hanson has he doesn't even care if my father breaks his neck and die! The Napa Police were contacted by phone and they came out and talked to my father and brother and they didn't even go to talk with Mr. Hanson! On May 28, 2003, Mr. Hanson, came over to my house and pointed a laser at my eyes and there was a Police report and he was arrested and released on bail. And the Napa District Attorney vacated his charges!!



Getting back to Mr. Hanson's complaint of 2016, I was heading home and Mr. Hanson, yelled and called me over so I put my car in reverse and parked my car in his driveway. I wanted to tell him to stop pointing a laser at my father's eyes! That was the reason I was there. Napa Police and the Napa District Attorney's fail to charge Mr. Hanson, on his criminal P. C. violations! I don't understand why is he an informant for the Napa Police Department? And Mr. Hanson, flipped me off and he attacked me with a deadly weapon, a heavy garden nozzle and hit the hood of my car and I was afraid and he flooded my windshield with water I could not see him. I panicked and stepped on the gas thinking I had the car in reverse but it was in drive the car went forward and I hit my breaks and put my car in reverse to get out of there and I heard him say you're dead Garcia two times! I left in hurry because he is good friends with Richard Paul Eldridge, that owns a lot of guns and I thought Mr. Hanson had a pistol in his pocket. The Napa District Attorney decided to press felony charges on me saying I was using my car as a weapon and I didn't! One of the juror's was related to Napa Police officer Ryan Cole and I think that's why Mr. Hess crossed out his name on the police report because it would be a conflict of interest or Mr. Hess, has a personal vendetta against me for uploading a YouTube audio and video of him being racist and disrespectable to my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, on July 04, 2002, and I also believe that Mr. Ryan Cole’s relative that was selected by the prosecutor Mr. Gary Camp, and had manipulated the jurors to convict me guilty of a felony!


Other people that helped Mr. Hanson, was a Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker, he said that he was familiar with both parties from restraining orders in the past when he was a Deputy District Attorney and he also mention that they both work out at the same gym! And also asked if both attorneys are there going to be any 1101 analysis to the Court. He didn't want the past criminal charges on Mr. Hanson and false Police reports to come out in the jury trial! The other person was Napa District Attorney prosecutor Mr. Gary Van Camp, he was a conflict of interest from the past in regards to one of the neighbors his name was Mr. Mark Edward Ingalls, he was involved with my cousin Mr. Louie Garcia, and Mr. Richard Marion Lee, is deceased and he worked for the Napa Police as an undercover agent that was seen at their house by me and my father. This was also during the Lenore Stearns, case it was mention in my cousin's deposition. Mr. Camp, charged Mr. Ingalls, for marijuana charges. He didn't excuse himself as a conflict of interest! And another person that has a lot of hate towards myself and my family is Napa Police officer Frank Esser, he and Mr. Hanson written a false police report against me and the Napa District Attorney Gary Lieberstein, had charged me with violating Mr. Hanson's restraining order Police report 05-4043. 


Napa Police officer Mr. Andrew Hess made a false police report there was plenty of evidence!

Where was the Napa District Attorney's for my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia? Corrupted law inforcement in the city of Napa California!

In a relationship with lunatic  Darrel Joseph Hanson.

Another false police report Darrel Hanson, never had a personal issue with Perfecto Garcia, until 11/09/2016! Look below on this blog it will prove to you that the officer's and lunatic Darrel Hanson, are making false statements about me and my family!

Judge Mark Boesenecker, 1101 evidence, CR183040 Transcript.

Napa District Attorney's withheld the above evidence of Darrel Joseph Hanson's, Insanity and that he has a Mental Health disorder in my criminal trial CR183040.

My Civil rights were violated by the Napa District Attorney Ms. Jennifer Allison Haley, she ignored me when I asked her to investigate on who tried to kill me in Napa County Jail.

Darrel Joseph Hanson's car parked at the address 537 Monroe Street, Napa, California. In the past he always parked his vehiciles close to the telephone pole close to my property at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

These are the primary suspects that had me poisoned with PCP and had my C-Pap machine kept in the Jail property room! Knowing I have severe sleep Apena.

This happened from March 12, 2019 to April 22, 2019.

Judge Tisher, Francisca P., was a conflict of interest in my criminal trial CR183040.

Judge Guadagni, Raymond A., was a conflict of interest he was involved with my father's case Rudolph Ovalle Garcia vs Stearns, and he was also involved with my criminal trial CR183040.

(Lunatic) Darrel Joseph Hanson, looking at me Perfecto Bauer Garcia. Today's date is Feburary 12, 2022.  

I found this bullet on the side of my 
garage and I turned it in to Fairfield Police Department. I believe someone is sending me a message!

Remember lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, said to me YOUR DEAD GARCIA, ON NOVEMBER 09/2016!

Ms. Jennifer Allison Haley, Napa District Attorney violated my civil rights she failed to investigate on what tried to kill me in Napa County Jail 2019!

Correct adderss is 554 Monroe Street, Napa California.

Madison Eldridge's ex boyfriend in the above crime report.

My father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, in the above document.

Phone call conversation;
Ms. Fagiani, and my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia

Phone call conversation between Mr. Dan Monez and my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, about Mr. Arnold Thomas, 554 Monroe Street, Napa, CA. And Mr. David Swinney, at 544 Monroe Street, Napa CA. Year 1989.

Lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, testified under oath in case number CR183040, that Garcia, floored the car at him causing him to slide up the hood of my car with a garden hose under his belly and flipping two three times in the air and landed on his head with no injuries and he said it happened so fast that he didn't know what happened! Lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, fabricated a lie while under oath in my trial CR183040!

Napa Police Officer Mr. Frank Esser, and Mr. Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, and other Police Officers have been writing false Police reports on myself, my father and my brother out of pure hatred and with the help of Napa District Attorneys! They been doing this for over thirty years!

Napa Police officer's, Napa District Attorneys, and the Eldridge family, and Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, all harassed and conspired with law enforcement, and they falsified legat court documents to have an inncoent man my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia's life a living "HELL! WHY?

True document and the Police Officers were upset it didn't work so they decided to use a lunatic neighbors Darrel Joseph Hanson, and Richard Paul Eldridge, to set me up on a future date November 9, 2016, case number CR183040! They even poisoned me with a deadly drug called PCP! Like lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, said to me "YOU'RE DEAD GARCIA!

Napa District Attorney Mrs. Jennifer Allison Haley, refused to prosecute the person that attempted to kill me in Napa County Jail!

My probation officers

On July 12, 2021, was the first time I seen and read the false Napa Police report NPD-006776.

My complaint with evidence to the Department of Justice. Number one prime suspect is lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson.

My criminal case number CR183040

Transcript People vs Perfecto Bauer Garcia, CR183040.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, IT HAPPENED SO FAST," Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, gave false testimony! And with the help of the Napa Police officer's, the Napa District Attorney's, and with the help with bias judges that were a conflict in my trial CR183040!

I'm paying over three thousand dollars on fines based on Darrel Joseph Hanson's false testimony, and I was placed in jail to be poisoned with a deadly drug called PCP, street name angel dust!

Napa Police Department, has so much hatred towards myself and my family that they would conspire with the Eldridge family, to prosecute us based on changing a legal Napa Superior Court Document Order After Hearing restraining order 67795! Napa Police Department states that Leroy Eldridge, has a restraining orde against Rudolph Garcia. It is a MUTUAL ORDER!

Napa Police Officer Ms. Annie Snider, states Eldridge and Garcia, have a Mutual" restraining order against 
each other both of them are to stay away 25 yards from each other.

Myself and Darrel Hanson

Raymon Allen Guadagni, 'Esq.,' was involved with my fathers case Lenore Stearns. And he was also involved in my case CR183040.

Mr. Raymond Allen Guadagni, is a conflict of interest in my criminal case CR183040. He was in my father's case Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, Lenore Stearns, estate.

Napa District Attorney Allison Haley, is a fraud for the people of Napa, County!

My cousin Jimmy Dinove, is friends with Allison Haley.

Allison Haley. is a liar! She didn't help me, I was a victim were is my justice?


I, turned in this report to the Napa Police Department and the initials on the report is the woman working in the Police department.

And the Napa Police department didn't press any felony charges on Darrel Joseph Hanson, he attacked me with a deadly weapon using his garden hose that have's a large nozzle attached.

See the dent on my car hood that was caused by Darrel Hanson, striking my car with his deadly weapon his garden hose nozzle. He testified that he slid up the hood of my car with the garden hose under him and he also said that he 
flipped two to three times in the air and landed on his head with no injuries! Where's the dent I don't see a bigger dent on my hood were his body weight would of been on my car hood! Again he is not telling the truth! And the Napa Police Department didn't investigate the damage on my hood, why? It wasn't part of evidence in my trial CR183040?

Another false Police report by Napa Police Officer Frank Esser, and By lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson! They have so much hate for me that there willing to make false Police reports, and the Napa District Attorney's also have so much hate for me that they overlook who is the real victim me!

Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, has a history of being a liar, especially in Napa Court lying to a Judge Fransica Tisher, case restraining orders 26-21550, and his own restraining order 26-21695!

The Napa Police, and the Napa District Attorney's have so much hate on me that there willing to use a lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, to set me up with false Police reports, like 11/09/2016, NPD16-006776!

They even have so much hate for me that they would poison me with a deadly drug called PCP and they would make sure that I wouldn't have use of my sleep apnea machine, so they kept in the jail property room! They wanted me to die in jail! I, made a complaint to the Napa District Attorney and to the Napa Corrections and they ignored me because they are guilty and my theory is someone that is powerful put a contract hit on me and they are protecting that person!

I, wonder why?

My complaint was filed within the six month statue of me being poisoned with PCP I submitted my doctors report for evidence.

I, wonder how much money everyone got paid to set me up on 11/09/2016, NPD16-006776, Police,  Judges, Napa District Attorney's, correction staff, even lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson?

The corrupted Napa District Attorney's were prosecuting my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, on a Mutual restraining order case # 67795. They have nothing but hate towards me and my family.

"WHY? ???????????????


I'm going to submit the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776. And submit all the court transcripts of CR183040. And submit my doctor reports of me being poisoned with the deadly drug PCP and my jail medical records.

I'm also going to file complaints with the State Bar, for violating my civil rights based on a false Napa Police report NPD16-006776!

I, was being harassed by lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, in the above YouTube.

I'm getting ready to go down my back stairs before Darrel Joseph Hanson, calls me Fat ass! Get a job! Nice house you got there!

Dakota Joe Eldridge's truck.

That's my Kia

A long time ago Richard Paul Eldridge's family Kattie Kiser, use to own my house at 563 Monroe Street, Napa 94559. And a Napa Highway patrol named Raina Raymond, also lived there and he commited suicede and shot his brains out in my garage.

I don't know if lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, is related to Richard Paul Eldridge? And if he is that would explain why they are constantly harassing myself and my family, they want us to move out of the neighborhood to have my house back in their family's name again! Just a theory!

Lunatic Leroy Eldridge, was 3 years old at the time.

Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, is also making a false Napa Police report about PG&E! How does he know about the City stopping PG&E From hooking up a gas meeter? To the FBI and the Department of Justice you should should check the city on who made the complaint?

My neighborhood

Nick Ruiz, was living at 566 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Mr. James Boitano

Darrel Joseph Hanson, AKA Patholical Liar said  that he and several surrounding neighbors have had ongoing issues with the Garcia family that resides at Monroe Street. Darrel told met hat the issues with the Garcia household and the neighborhood have gone on for years.

Me and my family have lived in the neighborhood of 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California, back in the early sixty's and never had any problems with the neighbors.

The problems started when Racist neighbors and Meth users and Marajuana users moved in to me and my family's neighborhood Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge, 554 Monroe Street, Napa, Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, Mrs. Angela Carol Eldridge, AKA, Ms. Angela Carol Angle, Mrs. Angela Carol Stanton, Mr. David Swinney, Mrs. Judy Swinney, 544 Monroe Street, Napa.
The Swinney's, didn't own the house they were living in, Mr. Swinney's Mother owned the house 544 Monroe Street, Napa. They had lots of cats and our Neighbor Mr. Jose Viegas, and his wife Mrs. Viegas, were living at 537 Monroe Street, Napa. Mr. Viegas, had a fish pond in his backyard. And Mr. Swinney's cats were killing Mr. Viegas, fish. This happened around 1988 to 1989. Mr. Viegas, took Mr. Swinney's cats to the Napa, animal shelter. Mr. Swinney, was angry with Mr. Jose Viegas. Another neighbor Named Mr. Mark Edward Ingalls, was a drug dealer and he was selling Marajuana to Richard Paul Eldridge, Leroy Paul Eldridge, and Angela Carol Eldridge. Mr. Ingalls and his wife Mrs. Ingalls, were living at 532 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, is another Racist neighbor and a Meth user and he drinks to much alcohol and he is a lunatic occording to Ms. Allison Haley, Napa District attorney, and Mr. Gary Lieberstein, former Napa District attorney. 

My father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, was the true writful heir of the Lenore Stearns, estate. My father was in the Napa Valley Register back in the 1980's.

My theory is the following Racist people didn't want a hispanic person like my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia a vineyard contractor to inherit eight million dollars, and a ranch at 4120 Dry Creek Rd., Napa, and a Resturant, and Stocks and Bonds!

The following Racist people are;

Janice Eldridge, Leroy Eldridge, Richard Eldridge, Richard Marion Lee, Marion Dawson Lee, James Boitano, Lani Stearns, Barbara Van Wormer, Nettie Fry, Carl Fry, Jessie Lunceford, Pamela Norris Lunceford, Darrel Joseph Hanson, Sheriff John Baumgartner, and some of his Sheriff friends, Sherriff Lynn Harmston, Sheriff deputy Bill Munk, and Sheriff deputy Richard Andersen, Napa County Judge Raymon  A. Guadagni and Napa County Judge Mark Boessenecker and many more.

False Napa Police report NPD16-006776

Darrel has never had a personal issue with Perfecto until the incident on 11/9/16.

The correct spelling for the defendant is Darrel Joseph Hanson, for some reason the Napa Court, Napa Police 
dispatch, always misspells his name all the time! And the above Napa Court documents is Judge Raymond A. Guadagni, he heard the hearing on case number 26-30327, it was filed on 7/27/05. And this same Judge Raymon A. Guadagni, he heard the testimony of a lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, lied under oath and he gave a false Napa Police report NPD16-006776! And the Judge Raymond A Guadagni, is corrupted and dishonest and he violated my Civil Rights on my criminal case number CR183040! He knew Mr. Hanson's testimony was false, but he continued and he said I was guilty.

The 500 block of Monroe Street Napa, California. My house has the biggest lot.  

554 Monroe Street, Napa, California. With junk in his backyard Richard Paul Eldridge.

On the left is 531 Monroe 
Street, Napa. On the right is 537 Monroe Street, Napa.

Darrel Joseph Hanson, appears to have a surveillance camera on his house.

The house that is white with blue trim is 537 Monroe Street, Napa. 

See the telephone pole on the right and the white house with blue trim is 537 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.

Conspirator's are Napa Police Officer Katherine Prime Knutsen, Napa Police officer Ryan Cole, Richard Paul Eldridge, Rhonda Rene Eldridge, Sarah Marie Curtis, Christopher Allen Curtis, they all conspired to purposely harass and cause emotional stress by setting up my brother Rudy Bauer Garcia, and it happened on 2/22/12, Sarah Marie Curtis, has a personal vendetta against me and my family. She was upset because her restraining order was denied. So she intently parked her mothers Red Mustang ten feet by the telephone pole in front of 537 Monroe Street, Napa, CA. Why do I know it was a set-up is because Napa Police officer Ms. Knutsen, didn't ask Sarah Curtis or Rhonda Eldridge, how come you didn't leave enough room for Rudy Bauer Garcia, to park his cougar? And you have the car keyes why didn't you start your moms car and move it yourself?

False Napa Police report NPD12-001228, Dated 02/22/2012. 

My brothers white cougar parked by the telephone pole with a black SUV in front of him with three feet in between! Again why did Sarah Curtis, set up my family and why did the Napa Police officer's Ms. Kathryn Prim Knutsen, and Mr. Ryan Cole, filed a false Police report NPD12-001228? My theory is because they are racist, bias, and they have hatred towards myself and my family!

The Napa Police department and the Napa District Attorney Department, knew that restraining order 67795 was a Mutual order and yet they conspired with the Eldridge family, because they are racist and they wanted to ruin me and my family's reputation and they caused my family to spend over $5,000.00 to hire a attorney to protect us on false police reports and false charges from The Napa District Attorneys! When the restraining order took effect on December 14, 1993, the Eldridge's house was vacant!

Not once the Napa District Attorneys and Napa Police Department, didn't file any charges on the Eldridge's for filing false police reports!
I wonder why?

From 1993 to April 1998!

You would think that the Napa Police department and the Napa district Attorneys, would know hot to read a restraining orders? They are either stupid or they don't give a shit!


Mr. Otis, was living at 544 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Steve Otis

Alan Glenn Alvarez, has been calling me three times and doesen't leave a message. I had to 
finally block him.

Margaret Mackey, use to live at 544 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Gail Otis, Margaret Mackey, and Thelma N. Swinney, in the above document. They all lived at 544 Monroe Street, Napa, CA.

My father Rudy Garcia

The correct spelling is Darrel Joseph Hanson, not guilty by reason of Insanity!


1. Napa Police Officer Andrew Hess, read the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776 by Darrel Joseph Hanson, Officer Ryan Cole, Officer Michael Lee Moore, read the false Police report NPD16-006776, Officer Jeffrey Hansen, Napa District Attorney Gary A Van Camp, Napa District Attorney Nicole A Miller, Napa District Attorney Kathryn Susemihl, read the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776, Napa Judge Raymond Guadagni, read the false Police report NPD16-006776, Napa Judge Mark Boessenecker, read the false Police report NPD16-006776, my public defender Andrew Thomas Higgins, read the false Police report NPD16-006776, the juror's in my trial case number CR183040, read the false Police report NPD16-006776, I, read the false Police report NPD16-006776, July of 2021. 

Napa Police officer Mr. Frank Esser, and lunatic Mr. Darrel Hanson, made a false Police report. case number 05-4043

I was found guilty of a Felony based on a lie! And others conspired to use this false Police report NPD16-006776, to send me to Jail and they attempted to kill me with a deadly drug called PCP and they knew that I had severe sleep apnea so they kept my CPAP machine in the Jail property room, so my heart will stop beating! Conspiracy all the way!

The City of Napa, didn't refund our twenty dollars someone in that department is dishonest and thieves that written a false citation to take our hard earn money!

There is a large group of conspirtors that hate me and my family, and that some Napa Police Officer's and some Napa Judges and some Napa District attorney's make me and my family suffer, with false Police reports, false citations, and corruption in law enforcement and me and my family had to suffer with excssive stress for over thirty years  and we had to endure this torture from hateful Police officers, hateful District attorneys, and hateful Judges, and hateful racist neighbor's!  

531 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Remember the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776. I, filed a lawsuit on the 
lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, read the above court document!

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, making a comment to me Mr. Perfecto Bauer Garcia. I, have to keep an eye criminals that break the law and violating restraining orders. It's because of criminals and corrupted law enforcement and corrupted Judges, I have to watch my back from conspirators and Racist people like you and lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson. Thats why I created this blog for me and my family's safety.

Lenore Stearns, ties to Harold Lunceford, Janice L Eldridge, Richard Paul Eldridge's mother, Nettie Fry, is Janice Eldridge's mother, Barbara Vanwormer, is Richard Paul Eldridge's aunt. All these people didn't want my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, to be the true rightful heir of the Lenore Stearns, estate! Ther conspiracy plans were to work with corrupted law enforcement and 
corrupted District attorney James Biotano! Listen to Philip Bucky Stewart, YouTube audio recorded conversation with my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, below.

Richard Paul Eldridge, is a Snitch!

My proof is this entire blog by me Perfecto Bauer Garcia.

From left to right

My uncle Ralph Ovalle Garcia, my grandfather Rudolpho Garcia, and my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia.

My father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia

My mom Irene N. Garcia

Jimmy Elkins, comment about the January 6, attack at the Capitol.
That was child's play compared to what is going to come!

By Perfecto Bauer Garcia

Hate crime, corrupted law enforcement, and corrupted Napa District Attorney's and Racist neighbor's, and corrupted Napa Judge's!

And some of the suspects that I name on this blog conspired with others to set me up on November 09, 2016, with Darrel Joseph Hanson, fabricating a false Napa Police report NPD16-006776. Their plans were to convince a jury that I am guilty of a felony and send me to jail and have someone kill me in their with poisoning of PCP and to keep my CPAP machine in the property room! With the help of some Napa Police officers, some Napa Sheriff's, some Napa District Attorney's, some Judges, and some racist meth users in my neighborhood!

Suspects and "CONSPIRATORS and Corrupted Judges are listed below;

Darrel Joseph Hanson 531 Monroe Street, Napa 94559. False Police report NPD16-006776.
Richard Paul Eldridge, 554 Monroe Street, Napa 94559. False Police report case number 67795
Rhonda Rene Eldridge, Conspired with Darrel Joseph Hanson and others she lives at 554 Monroe Street, Napa 94559.
 False Police report NPD12-001228
Sarah Marie Curtis AKA Sarah Marie Thornton, 554 Monroe Street, Napa 94559. False Police report NPD12-001228
Christopher Allen Curtis, 554 Monroe Street, Napa 94559. False Police report NPD12-001228
Napa Police officer Andrew Hess, False Police report NPD16-006776
Napa Police officer Ryan Cole, False Police report NPD16-006776
Napa Police officer Judy Bond, Racist
Napa Police officer Frank Esser, Darrel Joseph Hanson, False Police report 05-4043.
Napa Judge Raymond A Guadagni, he new about the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776.
Napa Judge Mark Boessenecker, also new about the false Police report NPD16-006776.

Lunatic Mr. Hanson, says under oath I don't know Mr. Garcia. He just perjured himself! Him and I had a conversation on March 8, 2002, it's on YouTube under his full name and city.

False Napa Police report NPD16-006776, by Darrel Joseph Hanson and by Napa Police officer Michael Lee Moore. And Judge Raymond Allen Guadagni, he read the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776! The Judge is bias and I believe that he is also racist! 

Again lunatic Mr. Hanson, is not telling the 
truth! It's because someone erased his criminal history and that's why the Napa District Attorney waited for his record to be expunged for the Jurors in my trial case number CR183040! The Jurors had the false Napa Police report NPD16-006776, in their hands! The alleged incident took place on 11/9/2016, the Napa District Attorney Allison Hailey, didn't file charges until the following year in April, 2017.

Lunatic Mr. Hanson, doesn't like to be filmed and the reason I film him constantly is because he has threaten me and my family and the Napa Police department and the Napa District Attorneys department ignore me and my family's civil rights for over 25 years and I have legal Napa Court documents to prove what I am saying is true!

Again lunatic Mr. Hanson, is not telling the truth! He says a dozen of times! And you know why he doesn't call the Napa Police, is because it's not against the law to record someone from a public street!

The above picture is lunatic Mr. Hanson, recording me and my family from his roof you can see the time and date and me and my family had an active restraining order 26-21550, and we turned him to the Napa District Attorney Mr. Mark Boessenecker, and he dropped our complaint because he said insufficient evidence!

And I filed charges on Mr. Hanson, for pointing a laser at my eye's! And again he wasn't charged!

My proof in the above document and on my blog!

My Public defender Mr. Higgins, didn't submit my evidence in this trial that would show that lunatic Mr. Hanson, is making this up! I didn't hit him with my car on 11/9/2016! What happens when you are wearing flip flops and there is water on Mr. Hanson's driveway with oily leaves mixed with water and you are running to attack me with a heavy water nozzle to attack me and I see you slipped and fell on your but as I was leaving your driveway! And you yelled at me and threatened my life saying "YOUR DEAD GARCIA! And I told Napa Police officer Michael Lee Moore, to press charges on Mr. Hanson, for THREATNING MY LIFE AND ATTACKING ME WITH A DEADLY WEAPON! And you were never charged by the Napa Police officer Michael Lee Moore! 

Mr. Higgins, no thank you.










I, feel that me and my family have been under the microscope of the Napa District Attorneys for over 50 years! Robert Jarecki, is in the above picture.

Raymond Guadagni, was the Judge in my trial CR183040.

Larry Beal, is my friend and a friend of my family.

Possible threat on me from Instagram by Warren Eugene Redmon, "NOW I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE"

In the above picture is Warren Eugene Redmon

Napa District Attorney Susemihl, read the false Police report NPD16-006776. They were all out to get me! Even if it is a conspiracy fabricated Police report given by lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson! They wanted me to die in Napa County Jail! Thats why someone poison me with PCP and they kept my Cpap Machine in their property room! I have severe sleep apnea, people can die without their Machines!

Darrel Joseph Hanson's Mental Illness in the above document.

Napa Police officer Michael Lee Moore, False Police report NPD16-006776.
Napa Police officer Jeffrey Hansen, False Police report NPD16-006776.
Napa Police officer Kathrine Prim Knutsen, False Police report NPD12-001228.
Corrupted Judge Mark Boessenecker, accepted the False Police report NPD16-006776.
Corrupted District Attorney Gary A Van Camp, accepted the False Police report NPD16-006776.
Napa District Attorney Gary Lieberstein, False Police report 67795!
Napa District Attorney Nicole A Noonan Miller, False Police report NPD16-006776.
Napa District Attorney Kathryn Susemihl, False Police report NPD16-006776.
Public defender Andrew Thomas Higgins, False Police report NPD16-006776.
Napa District Attorney Allison Haley, False Police report NPD16-006776.

I, Perfecto Bauer Garcia, trying to save peoples lives from catching ASBESTOS in their lungs.

According to IARC, there is sufficient evidence that asbestos causes mesothelioma (a relatively rare cancer of the thin membranes that line the chest and abdomen), and cancers of the lung, larynx, and ovary (8). Although rare, mesothelioma is the most common form of cancer associated with asbestos exposure.

The Napa Police Department and the Napa Sheriff's Department and the Napa District Attorney's Department, did know about Restraining order 67795 was a MUTUAL ORDER AFTER HEARING! They conspired with the Eldridge family and with corrupted law enforcement!
To harass, and tried to put my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, in Napa County Jail! I spent many years in my attic recording all violations with my camcorder, I did this to protect my family. All the evidence I turned in was ignored by Napa Police officers and Napa District Attorneys Gary Lieberstein, Mark Boessenecker, Gary Van Camp, and all government law enforcement inorged me and my family we were victims of a Racist society in the City of Napa!   

 The above document is proof of all set ups by law enforcement and by the Eldridge family!

Mutual Restraining order after hearing is MUTUAL!


Phillip Overholser, was a good friend to me and my family.

My case was dismiss, because Napa District Attorney Allison Haley didn't prosecute the person that poisoned me with the deadly drug PCP while I was in Napa County Jail! I was a victim! I
 was also a victim on a False Police report NPD16-006776! They all conspired against me!

Before I was 
Poisoned with PCP in Napa County Jail!

Where was theses documents when I was on trial case number CR183040?

Tony, is a liar and he is dishonest!

Look at the telephone pole, you can see that there is plenty parking spaces for two large vehicles in front of 537 Monroe Street, Napa.

First set up by Leroy Paul Eldridge, took two parking spaces on March 15, 1996, at 537 Monroe Street, Napa.

Second set up by lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, took two parking spaces August 12, 2004, parked his brother Wayne Hanson's truck at 537 Monroe Street, Napa.

Third set up by Sarah Marie Curtis, she is now married to Brandon Thornton, she parked her mother's car Rhonda Rene Eldridge, and took two parking spaces, at 537 Monroe Street, Napa. February 22, 2012. Case number

Correct spelling is Darrel Joseph Hanson

Initials are Napa Police Officer Katherine Prim Knutsen, her and officer Ryan Cole, had viewed the evidence of Elder abuse!

This is another reason they want me dead, because of me posting on my blogs true documents of the corrupted police officers and corrupted Napa District Attorneys, corrupted judge Mark Boessenecker, who had read the Napa Police report NPD16-00676 KNOWING DARREL JOESPH HANSON IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH ON THE POLICE REPORT! And Racist neighbor's that are drug addicts using Meth and smoking Marajuana and Mr. Boessenecker and Napa District Attorney prosecutor Gary Van Camp, knows about the illegal drugs in my neighborhood and some of those neighbors were charged by the Napa District Attorneys office! And because I'm also using their first and last name with their arrest reports including their addresses.

When the lunatic Darrel Joesph Hanson, was under oath testifying, in my trial CR183040, I don't know why my Public defender Andrew Thomas Higgins, Didn't question him about a false Police report NPD16006776? I'm sure the jury would like to know his character of being a lunatic and a pathological liar, just to get his way! I'm going to turn in my Public Defender to the California State Bar! I am still working on my evidence to turn in to the FBI and the Department of Justice. I'm not finish yet.

The Napa Police officer that came out was officer Ryan Cole, had knowledge that Darrel Hanson, had lied on the Police report NPD16-006776!

pathological liar is a liar that lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little awareness. A compulsive liar is a liar who lies ...

False Police report by Darrel Joesph Hanson, and Police officer Michael Lee Moore and Officer Jeffrey Hansen.

Hanson has never had a personal issue with Perfecto until the incident on 11/9/16.

This is another reason they want me dead, because of me posting on my blogs true documents of the corrupted police officers and corrupted Napa District Attorneys, and the corrupted judges, Raymond Guadagni, Mark Boessenecker, who had read the Napa Police report NPD16-00676 KNOWING DARREL JOESPH HANSON IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH ON THE POLICE REPORT! Then Darrel Joseph Hanson, is not telling the truth under oath in my trial too! On case number CR183040! And Racist neighbor's that are drug addicts using Meth and smoking Marijuana and Mr. Boessenecker and Napa District Attorney prosecutor Gary Van Camp, knows about the illegal drugs in my neighborhood and some of those neighbors were charged by the Napa District Attorney’s office! And because I'm also using their first and last name with their arrest reports including their addresses.


I, was filming Officer Jeffrey Hansen, and Darrel Joseph Hanson, and Jose Viegas, for making a false Police report on that day of June 17, 2004! Officer Hansen, also was aware of Darrel Joseph Hanson, making a false Police report NPD16-006776! How come Officer Michael Lee Moore, and Officer Jeffrey Hansen, and Judges, Raymond Guadagni, and Mark Boessenecker, didn't mention this in my trial? Why because they want me "FOUND DEAD IN JAIL!

Both case numbers were involving Darrel Joseph Hanson, and Judges, Raymond Guadagni, and Mark Boessenecker, did know that Hanson, made a false Police report NPD16-006776!

I, have a theory that the city of Napa has supremacy in law enforcement, District attorney’s and  Judges! That’s the only reason why me and my family are constantly being ignored from some police officer’s that I mention in this blog and by some corrupted Napa District attorney’s I mention in this blog and some corrupted Judges, Raymond Guadagni, and Mark Boessenecker and corrupted former District attorney Gary Lieberstein. 


As you read all the evidence that I submit on this blog;


 Police reports, Transcripts, Photo’s, Court documents, Restraining orders after hearings and YouTube video and audio, makes me wonder why the suspects are never prosecuted for them breaking the law and why me and my family are being prosecuted on false Police reports?


In my Court trial case number CR183040, I’ve seen Darrel Hanson, sitting next to a Caucasian skin head talking to one another. And Darrel Hanson, tells my father to go back to “MEXICO! He also tells my father “YOU WILL BE SIX FEET UNDER SOON YOU KNOW TO MUCH! Also Richard Paul Eldridge and his father display the hate symbol of the Confederate Flag on their shirts in their camping trailer window on their property 554 Monroe Street, Napa 94559, and their social media the Flag!


One thing I don’t understand that a majority of Married couples that file for divorce sell their home and divide the money equal shares to one another, Richard Paul Eldridge, and his ex-wife Angela Carol Eldridge, didn’t sell their house how come?

Spouses can agree to sell their home and split the profits from the sale. 

Is it because they still have conspiracy plans to destroy me and my family with the help of corrupted law enforcement” are is it because the white Supremacist are still in charge of killing me and my family for getting in their way of the late Lenore Stearns, monies for their cause of white power? That they needed Mrs. Stearns, Stocks and Bonds to support their Caucasian race of  Supremacy!


Like the Insurrection of the Capital on January 6, 2021! 



My fathers Lincoln parked by the telephone pole and Darrel Hanson's car is parked in front of him.

Darrel Joseph Hanson's, car he used as a weapon to run over my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, on July 4, 2002. And the Napa District attorneys 
didn't prosecute him!


March 8, 2002, Darrel Joseph Hanson, hollering at me Perfecto Bauer Garcia.

Darrel Joseph Hanson, violating mine and my father's restraining order 26-21550. And the Napa District Attorneys didn't prosecute him! Injustice for me and my family!

Strong evidence to convict lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson! And on May 28, 2003, he had said to me "GUESS WHAT IS GOING TO BE POINTING AT YOUR CAMERAS TONIGHT!

On 11/2/16, lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, "THREATENED MY LIFE HE SAID YOU WILL BE SIX FEET UNDER SOON! 

Meaning that he and other's are conspiring to set me up on 11/9/2016, and the help with Richard Eldridge, Rhonda Eldridge, Sarah Marie Curtis, Napa Police officer Ryan Cole, Officer Andrew Hess, Officer Michael Lee Moore, Officer Jeffrey Hansen, Judges, Raymond Guadagni, and Mark Boessenecker, Napa Prosecutor Gary Van Camp and others! Their plans to conspire was working I was found guilty and I was poisoned with PCP which I suffered severe injuries from falls and I and fell backwards unconscious and hit the back of my head on the concrete wall in Jail! And they kept my C-Pap machine in the Jail Property room!

There is a pattern of 
discrimination False Police reports and False reports from lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson!

I recieved a hang up call today, more likely lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson's father Ronald Hanson he lives in Lincoln California.

Richard Paul Eldridge, looking at me he is wearing a black shirt.

See the telephone pole there is enough parking for two large vehicles!

Napa Police Captain Andrew Hess, put on the Police report no evidence! I gave him a video and audio tape for evidence! He should be fired for lying! And where is the Napa District Attorney prosecutors Gary Van Camp, Nicole Noonan Miller and Kathryn Susemihl? My father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, was a victim! Lunatic Darrel Hanson, is driving his car with no headlights! Why? 


I, Perfecto Bauer Garcia, was going down my stairs in my backyard and I see and heard Darrel Joseph Hanson, harassing me! And Darrel Hanson, stated he is afraid of me and if he is why is he calling me a "FAT ASS? It seems to me that Darrel Joseph Hanson, isn't afraid of me because I didn’t make an attempt to run him over with my car on 11/9/2016, he made it all up! And I think he is very upset because he and his conspirator's didn't kill me in jail as they planned to do!

I filed a Police report on Darrel Joseph Hanson, report number E210708929. I even sent a recording of Hanson's harassment to the new Napa Police Chief Ms. Sylvia Moir.

You would think if it was true that I, hit Darrel Joseph Hanson's  by my car he would be afraid of me but instead he is calling me a Fat Ass! He wants to fight! He lies on Police reports and lied to a Judges on Transcript 26-21550, and Transcripts case number CR183040. See below, he stated he is moving and selling his house and he is still living their!

I, can see Darrel Joseph Hanson, facing me and Harassing me. The lunatic must be standing on a step ladder because he is short! 

I, am going to look for an attorney to sue Darrel Joseph Hanson for threatening my life! Lying under oath in my trial case number CR183040. And also sue Richard Paul Eldridge, Rhonda Rene Eldridge, Sarah Marie Curtis who is now married and her last name is Thornton and Does! They conspired with this lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson! I'm afraid for my life he attempted to kill my father with his car on July 4, 2002! And the Napa District Attorney's and Napa Police officer Andrew Hess, had fabricated the Police report checking no evidence! I turned in a video and audio tape to Andrew Hess! He is another corrupted Police Officer!

Dakota Joe Eldridge's green truck in the above picture!

Richard Paul Eldridge and Rhonda Rene Eldridge's house with the truck in the driveway.

My jail medical report. My Cpap machine is in the property room!

My probation officers, both of them were aware of me being poisoned with PCP while in Napa County Corrections Jail.

Judge Mark Boessenecker is aware of my past problems of restraining orders he said it in my Court Trial case number CR183040. It's in my file.

My father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, is the Plaintiff on case number 48198.

False Napa Police report by Napa Police Officer Mr. Frank Esser, and by Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, is a lunatic!

Richard Paul Eldridge's sister Lea Eldridge

Thief in the neighborhood Richard Paul Eldridge, in the above document!

Dakota Joe Eldridge and his wife Laurie Taylor O'brian, they are living at Richard Paul Eldridge's house at 554 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559.

Dakota Eldridge, growing Marajuna in his father's backyard at 554 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559,

Angela Carol Eldridge and her son Dakota Joe Eldridge. 

From left to right

Ronald Hanson, Becky Nicholson and Darrel Joseph Hanson.

Darrel Joseph Hanson, address 531 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Houses 527 and 531 Monroe Street, Napa California.

The 500 block of Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Green house on the right of picture is Richard Eldridge and his wife Rhonda Rene Eldridge, 554 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Three surveillance cameras on the front lover one of them is pointing in my backyard at 563 Monroe Street, second camera is pointing north of Monroe Street, and the third camera is pointing at Darrel Joseph Hanson's front window at 531 Monroe Street, Napa, California. Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, didn't tell the jurors that his good friend Richard Paul Eldridge, is zooming in through his front window, in my trial case number CR183040. ????

From left to right;

Me Perfecto Bauer Garcia, my grandfather and my brother Rudy Bauer Garcia. And the house in the background is 554 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

On the right side of the foundation has a big crack and it is an old foundation from the 1900 hundreds not up to Napa City Building code. And there is no building permits since the 1960 to 1990.

Me in the white T-shirt touching my fathers 1956 Ford truck and the houses in the background from left to right are 566 Monroe Street, and 554 Monroe Street, Napa, California. 

My father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, watering his flowers and the house in the background is 554 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

from left to right is Tara Jowitt and Richard Eldridge's ex-wife Angela Carol Eldridge, and she is remarried to Greg Stanton. The wood on the their house is the same wood on my house at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California. Our house was built in the 1900 hundred's. Richard Eldridge's house just has a face lift to full all the neighbors in the neighborhood!

Displaying the hate symbol confederate flag in their trailer at 554 Monroe Street, Napa, California. Frank Marshal and Leroy Eldridge, at his truck door.

Richard Eldridge and his wife Rhonda Eldridge, the Flag!

Darrel Joseph Hanson's father Ronald Hanson

Darrel Joseph Hanson, is harassing me and my family by keeping us under surveillance! Even recording us in our backyard! 

Darrel Joseph Hanson, using his camcorder and he is recording my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia.

November 9, 2016, see the leaves in Darrel Joesph Hanson's driveway, mixed with water makes it slippery especially wearing flip flops which Darrel Joseph Hanson, was wearing on 11/9/2016. And I seen Darrel Hanson, slipped and fell on his ass as I was leaving his driveway on 11/9/2016!

Leroy Paul Eldridge, in the above picture.

The 500 block of Monroe Street, Napa, CA.

Sarah Maria Curtis, AKA Sarah Marie Thornton's blue car. She has parked her car in the same place that she parked her mom's red Mustang on February 22, 2012, knowing that my brother parks his cougar by the telephone pole! She did this on purpose and she could of pull up her car another eight feet to give my brother plenty of room! Darrel Joseph Hanson, did the same thing that Sarah did with his brother's black pick up!

Darrel Joseph Hanson's picture of my car.

Notice the damage to the car and look at the pictures of my car that Darrel Joseph Hanson took. I don't have any damage on the driver side to my car just the damage on my hood when he attacked me with his garden hose with the heavy nozle and dented my hood! And he was never charged for an Felony assault on November 9, 2016. I should have had the same damage on my driver side if I hit him! It was a complete lie! I never hit him with my car! his drive way was full of leaves with lots of water on them, he slipped on the leaves and fell to the ground on his ass. And that same day he was pruning his butches and that's how he had scratches on himself.  It was all planed out by Darrel Joseph Hanson, and law enforcement, and judges, Raymond Guadagni, and Judge Mark Boessenecker, and a corrupted Napa District Attorney prosecutor, Gary A Van Camp and corrupted Napa Police officer Michael Lee Moore, corrupted Napa Police officer Jeffrey Hansen, corrupted Napa Police Captain Andrew Hess, corrupted Napa Police officer Ryan Cole, and his relative was a juror I believe he convince the juror's that I am guilty of A Felony Assault and he was a conflict of interest! And they tried to murder me in jail! Darrel Joseph Hanson, threatened me and said to me, "YOU'RE DEAD GARCIA" YOU'RE DEAD GARCIA!

The above youtube video and audio shows that Darrel Joseph Hanson, lied under oath in my case number CR183040! He said that he flipped three times in the air over my car and landed on his head!


 My Napa Public Defender Mr. Andrew Thomas Higgins, didn't mention this to the jury and did not tell them you are hearing testimony of a lunatic Darrel Hanson, he is a pathological lier and he is constantly telling lies under oath in my trial case number CR183040. Corrupted Napa District attorney Ms. Allison Hailey, and corrupted Napa District Attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein, they also knew about this lunatic Darrel Hanson!

Darrel Hanson's criminal record

Napa Police Officer are saying on going problems with this subject Darrel Joseph Hanson!

Darrel Joesph Hanson's brother Wayne G Hanson

Mrs. Judith Lynette, Aka Mrs. Swinney, had written this letter to Mr. Jose Viegas, he lived at 537 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.

Mr. David Swinney, Mrs Judith Swinney, and family and pets were restrain on a Mutual Order after hearing.

Mrs. Judith Lynette, Aka Mrs. Judith Swinney, was charged for Elder Abuse! Her and Mr. David Swinney, was constantly harassing my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia. And Napa District Attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein, didn't charge them he called Mutual combat. 

David was living at 544 Monroe Street Napa, CA.,

My father was the victim not a suspect as Napa District attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein says on the above report! It was not Mutual Combat! Three wittiness seen Mr. David Swinney, slapped my father on his face and my father didn't hit him at all!
It's been twenty years of false Napa Police reports and the corrupted Napa District attorney's neglecting to protect me and my family and they neglect to file charges on restraining order violations, and (Elder Abuse) charges on the suspects that were harassing my father. My theory is because they have a personal vendetta against me my family! Because of the true rightful heir of the Lenore Stearns, estate!

They even went as far to set me up on November 9, 2016, and they conspired with Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, Mrs. Rhonda Rene Eldridge, Aka Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Sarah Marie Curtis, she is married to Mr. Brandon Thornton, Napa Police officer Mr. Ryan Cole, and his relative that was selected as a juror in my trial case number CR183040, Napa Police Captain Mr. Andrew Hess, Napa Police officer Mr. Michael Moore, Napa Police officer Mr. Jeffrey Hansen, Napa Police officer Mr. Frank Esser, Napa Police officer Mrs. Kathrine Prim Knutsen, Napa District attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein, Napa Deputy District attorney Mr. Mark Boessenecker, was my Judge in my trial case number CR183040, he was a conflict of interest and he had stated that he knew about the restrainting orders, that he denied pressing charges on a lunatic Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson, and he also stated that he works out at the same gym as Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson, does! And he was bias and I believe he is racist because all of the people that me and my family filed charges with strong evidence that he reviewed by him were dropped and the people's race are white, Meth users and killers! That is why I was prosecuted and sentence to death in Napa, County Jail of 2017 to 2019, was poisoned with the deadly drug called PCP while I was in jail! Another conspirator, was Napa, District Attorney Mr. Gary A. Van Camp, he prosecuted me in my trial case number CR183040. He was a conflict of interest in my case because he prosecuted a neighbor named Mr. Mark Ingalls, that was transporting Marajuna and giving it away to Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge. Mr. Camp, knew about this from deceased Napa, Police N.S.I.B. agent Mr. Richard Marion Lee. Mr. Lee, was involved with the Mrs. Lenore Stearns, case by my father. Me and my father had seen Mr. Lee, visiting Mr. Ingalls and the only way Mr. Camp, filed charges on Mr. Ingalls, was my cousin Mr. Louie Garcia, telling Mr. Lee, that his friend Mr. Mark Ingalls, that he has Marajuana at his house at 532 Monroe Street, Napa, California. This was mention in a deposition, by my cousin Mr. Louie Garcia. Mr. Camp, was aware of my father's lawsuit in the Lenore Stearns.

My cousins Mr. Louie Garcia, answering questions.

Mr. Mark Edward Ingalls!

I, Perfecto Bauer Garcia, filed a lawsuit against Mr. Mark Boessenecker, and Napa Prosecutor district attorney Mr. Gary A, Van Camp and Napa Police officer Mr. Michael Moore and does. In the above complaint document.

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson's testimony, line 26 to 28.

My evidence in the above forensic, look what happens to the person getting hit by the knee's they landed (FOREWARDS) several feet and they do not flip in the air several times that Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson's testimony! I was completely innocent and you would think that a Napa Police officer Michael Moore and the Napa District attorney's would know that Mr. Hanson, is fabricating a story as he testifies! 

If Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, was telling the truth this is the kind of damage to my driver side of my car would of look like!

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, was lying under oath for his conspiracy plans for the jury to find me guilty so the suspect can make an attempt on my life in Napa County Jail by poisoning me with PCP! Case number CR183040.

Attention FBI and Department of Justice:

I, had filed my complaint and in my complaint I mention that I was poisoned with PCP while in Napa, County Jail and the Napa, District Attorney Mrs. Allison Hailey, and the Napa, County department of Corrections didn't investigate on who attempted to kill me! I will also turn in 85 pages of my medial records from jail to you by mail. There is recording evidence of me in my jail cells of my injuries and suspects that attempted to kill me!  I had suffered many severe injuries.

David Swinney's cats were destroying Mr. Viegas backyard and my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia went over to help Jose Viegas and Johnny Viegas, and thats when David Swinney slapped my father in the face and he took off runing back home to 544 Monroe Street Napa, 94559. Jose Viegas did not speak good English and he didn't read English too.

The deceased Mr. Jose Viegas, trapped the cats in the neighborhood because they were eating his fish in his backyard he had a pond back in 1989.

Husband and wife Mr. Richard Bond and his wife Mrs. Judy Bond, she is racist that is what she said to my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, she is a retired Napa Police officer.

Comment Racist Hag!

Napa Police Officer's

Lunatic Darrel Joseph Hanson, look at his right ear. Rumor has it that Jessie Garcia hit is ear with a beer bottle and cut his ear! Napa Police officer Judy Bond had stated to my father and brother is Jessie hear!

Darrel Joesph Hanson's brother Wayne G Hanson, in the above document.

This man was living at 531 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. And their is a history of Napa Police officer's going their all the time!

Darrel Joseph Hanson's girlfriend Pamela Norris Lunceford was married to Brad Odeman, he was arrested for Methamphetamines. Their is a numerous neighbors that have been arrested for Meth in my neighborhood!

Napa Police Officer Ryan Cole

AKA, Petro Garcia, my nick name is Peto, my parents gave it to me. I used it since the day I was born. That's not listed in the above document. 

Judicial Officer; Mr. Mark Boessenecker, he had reduced the felony charge to a Misdemeanor for Jeffrey Bailey, that was living at 554 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. Mr. Boessenecker, was aware of the Methamphetamine users at 554 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. And he was a conflict of interest, bias, racist and he didn't like me to record Methamphetamines users like Mr. Darrel Hanson, Mr. Hanson's girlfriend Ms. Christina Marie Smith, and his other girlfriend Ms. Pamela Lunceford! And also, Methamphetamine users Mr. Richard Eldridge, and his wife Mrs. Rhonda Eldridge, they are the ones that conspired with everyone in this paragraph! Including, Napa District Attorney Prosecutor Mr. Gary A Van Camp also knew about the Methamphetamine users in my neighborhood! That wasn't mention in my criminal trial case number CR183040! If they can research me from a battery charge and also my Aka names Petro Garcia, nick name when I was boxing at the age of 12 at Action Boxing club! And if I can find out, why didn't they bring it up in my trial? And also mention that Mr. Hanson, was charged of a battery in the 
80's and dismissed for reason of insanity and Mental Health Disorder! The juror's should have heard about this lunatic is under oath in my trial case number CR183040.

Wrong date Darrel Hanson, was arrested 5/28/03


Napa Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker, Napa District Attorney Prosecutor Mr. Gary A. Van Camp, told the jury that I'm a danger to my neighborhood!


Ms. Pamela Norris Lunceford's ex boyfriend, Gilbert Harold Schmidt.

Ms. Pamela Norris Lunceford and Mr. Gilbert Schmidt.

Darrel Joseph Hanson, singing I wish I had Gilbert's girl! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 LOL

Darrel Joseph Hanson's ex girlfriend Ms. Christina Marie Smith, in the above picture.

Mr. Craig Lee Bouswma, is a good friend of Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, and a good friend of Mrs. Rhonda Renee Eldridge, he was living at their house 554 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559!

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's good friend Mr. Craig Bouwsma, is dead.

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's good friends are Roy Barragan, Randy Barragan, frome the Lenore Stearns case, Gilbert Harrold Schmidt, Darrel Joseph Hanson, Christina McCarthy, Linda Nantz Levque, and his deceased mother Janice Eldridge. All these people have ties to my father's case in the true 
rightful heir to the late Mrs Lenore Stearns.

My father Mr. Rudy Garcia, and his attorney Mr. David Linden.

John Baumgartner, loss the Sheriff election and he blames my father! Former Deputy Randy Barragan, also was tied to the Stearns case, in the above article.

Wow! I don't believe that Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, would kick Mr. Craig Lee Bouwsma, out of his own house to let him die in a tent!

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's step-son Mr. Christopher Allen Curtis, arrested for Grand Theft.

He is to obey all laws in which he didn't! On February 12, 2012, he came over to my house at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California. To harass my elderly father and he was kicking my brothers car! Napa Police officer Ms. Katherine Prim Knutsen didn't charge him for a parole violation! She didn't charge him for Elder Abuse! 


In this picture you see there is plenty of parking space for two large vehicles without touching the other rear end bumper of the black SUV! My brother's car is a white cougar parked by the telephone pole. The two vehicles are parked in front of 537 Monroe Street, Napa, California. 

March 15, 1996, Darrel Joseph Hanson, moves in his house at 531 Monroe Street, Napa, California. Leroy Paul Eldridge, parked his truck 15 feet from my father's house and they have a Mutual restraining order 67795 and they are to stay away 25 yards from each other. We reported his violation to the Napa Police department and Officer Don Honey, had said to my father that you should get a camcorder to use as evidence of their violations. And we did. I'm sure Darrel Joesph Hanson, seen my father with his camcorder filming Leroy Paul Eldridge's truck he was in violation!

Sarah Marie Curtis, parked her mother's red mustang 15 feet from my house with the hedges. And she did this on purpose knowing my brother parks his white cougar by the telephone pole! She wants to have a violent verbal yelling at my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, she is also aware of my father had a heart attack back in 2005! And that my father suffers extreme severe pain in his six nerve palsy in his head! This was said in a court transcript Sarah Curtis vs Rudy Garcia, Sr. Sarah told the judge that she is tired of waiting for my father to do something because he has a temper! Sarah had plenty parking spaces on Monroe Street, and she is young with no disabilty's and if she is afraid of my father why did she park her moms car 10 feet away?

See the fireplace in this picture and my car was in the driveway did they even measure the distance from start to finish were my car stopped at? And how fast was my car speed?

 And if Darrel Joseph Hanson is afraid of me then why did he holler at me and called me a Fat Ass? Get A Job? Nice House You Got There? He said this to me on July 22, 2021! I turned him into the Napa Police department and to the Napa Police Chief.

That's my father's doctor's report and she is aware that hollering, running up and down my fathers stairs will cause severe pain in his head! The Napa Police department and the Napa District attorney knows about my father's doctor report! Napa Police officer Katherine Prim Knutsen had written a false Police report case number NPD12-001228. She did this to protect the suspects Sarah Marie Curtis and Sarah's brother Christopher Allen Curtis! In her report she never asked Sarah, why she parked her moms car so close to my father's house? And how come she didn't start her mother's car and park it some where else? Sarah Curtis and her mother Rhonda Eldridge, are not handicaped! This could have been avoided had she left plenty of room for my brother's car! Look at the above picture of the white cougar and the black SUV!

Order after hearing states 25 yards away! In box number 8 it should had been checked. Where it says specific orders should have been typed the restraining order is "MUTUAL"! This is when the "Conspiracy takes place"! Leroy Paul Eldridge was the plaintiff I think he should have known how to read a tape measure? He delivered copies to the Napa Police Department and to the Napa Sheriff's Department.


The Napa Police Department and the Napa District Attorney Department was aware of this "CONSPIRACY"! They played a big role in this for their personal vendetta's for my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, was the true rightful heir of the Lenore Stearns estate! And they are blaming him for the loss of their jobs and my theory is that my father got in there way to steal all of Mrs. Lenore Stearns, millions of dollars and all of her stocks, Bonds, and her bank accounts too!


They even hate me so much that they would use racist and Meth users and possible supremacy, neighbors and some Napa Police Officer's and some Napa District Attorney's and even a Napa Judge Mark Boessenecker! This is still going on from 1988 to present! My theory is that a lot of law enforcement, Napa District Attorneys are racist and supremacist along with the Neighbor's in my neighborhood around my house 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.


Christopher Allen Curtis, in the above link. 

Richard Eldridge's son Dakota Joe Eldridge in the above document.

Napa Police officer vists Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson for over thirty minutes. ???????? Location 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559

Juile Pieper, FaceBook Friends; Darrel Joseph Hanson, Angela Carol Stanton Aka Eldridge, Madison Eldridge, retired Napa Police officer Judy Bond, My cousin Julie Pickle.

Mr. Sean Higgins, noticed that Mr. Darrel Hanson, let his dog of the leash on purpose to attack Mr. Higgins dog at 544 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559. He did the same thing to my Father's dog on December 04, 2002.

Mr. Darrel Hanson, grabing his dog.

Darrel Joseph Hanson, has been making death threats to me and my family that is why I had to get proof of his threats on film. He also threatened that he was going to point his laser at our security cameras in the evening on May 28, 2003. He is also a lunatic! He was arrested that evening and released on bail that same night. The Napa District attorney Mr. Mark Boessenecker, has dropped a felony charge on him and also a restraining order violation was also dropped by Mr. Mark Boessenecker, he has been protecting this lunatic Mr. Hanson, so he can continue making death threats to me and my family! On July 04, 2002, Mr. Hanson, attempted to run over my father with his car and myself, and my brother were wittiness and we also had video and audio evidence as proof and the Napa district attorney's didn't even charge him! Me and my family civil rights are constantly been violated by some Napa Police officer's, Mr. Andrew Hess, Mrs. Judy Bond, Mr. Frank Esser, Mrs. Kath Prim Knutsen, and Napa district attorney's Ms. Miki Tal, Mr. Gary A. Van Camp, all of them are bias, racist and have hatred towards me and my family based on race being Hispanic. On November 09, 2016, Mr. Hanson and a neighbor Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, decided to conspire with Napa Police officer's Mr. Andrew Hess, Mr. Michael Moore, Mr. Jeffrey Hansen, Mr. Ryan Cole, had decided to falsify a Napa Police report by using a court transcript provided by Mr. Eldridge's step daughter Mrs. Sarah Marie Curtis vs. Mr. Rudy Garcia, my father. The case number 26-32739, Mr. Eldridge, stated under oath to the judge Mr. Michael Williams, on March 07, 2006, Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. he had said on the transcript on page six, About a month ago. Three months before that his son tried to run over one of the neighbors. I, was wrongfully charged with a felony charge from jurors and I, was sent to Napa County jail, and I was poisoned with a deadly drug called PCP, and I have severe sleep apnea and the Napa county jail kept my C-pap machine in the Napa county jail property room! You can die without the C-pap machine! Someone in Napa County jail attempted to kill me! I, filed an complaint against Napa County of Corrections within the six month statue and the Napa District attorney Ms. Allison Hailey, and Napa Police chief Mr. Robert Plumer and Napa Sheriff's department refused to investigate my case I was a victim in their Napa County Jail! I, was told by a Fairfield district attorney to report them to the California Department of Justice and to the FBI. I'm submitting all my evidence to them.


I filed the complaint on October 21, 2019. I was within the six month statue for filing a lawsuit against the Napa County Department of Corrections! The judge dismissed my case without prejudice because the Napa District Attorney Ms. Allison Hailey, and The Napa Sheriff's did not investigate on who tried to kill me in Napa County Jail! They were aware of me being poison with the deadly drug PCP!

Some Napa Police officers had protected these Meth users and a Lunatic Named Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson. Napa Police Captain Mr. Andrew Hess is one of them!

From left to right;

Napa Police officer Mr. Jeffrey Hansen, in the blue shirt is the late Mr. Jose Viega, and on the right is lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson.
I, Perfecto Bauer Garcia, was filming Mr. Hansons violations for evidence, I wasn't on Mr. Hanson's restraining order! Mr. Hanson, testifed that he didn't have any problems with me until November 09, 2016, he lied under oath and he made a false Police report twice! I, believe that the jury should have heard this in my trial Case number CR183040.

Mr. Darrel Hanson, on the left and Mr. Jose Viega, on the right.

Ms. Amy Ash, on the left and the late Mr. Jose Viegas, and the black truck on the Street, belongs to Mr. Darrel Hanson's, brother Mr. Wayne Hanson.

Mr. Wayne Hanson's truck license plate 5A54081. Mr. Darrel Hanson, used his brothers truck to set me up and park it in the middle of my neighbors house 537 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. Knowing I park my cars by the telephone pole. 

Ms. Amy Ash, and Mr. Jose Viegas. They are listing to the lunatic talk his name is Mr. Darrel Hanson.

A picture of the Napa Police car on Monroe Street, on the 500 block of Napa, 94559.

This is the first day I, went over and filmed this lunatic Mr. Hanson, someone has been calling the Napa Police department for them to red tag our 
vehicles every week. Before I was in front of his house, I went to film Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's junkie driveway at 554 Monroe Street, and I heard Mr. Hanson, Yelling at me to stop harassing the neighbors! Thats when I confronted this lunatic! He is racist and he had told my father that he would be six feet under soon and go back to Mexico! He also said you know to much! And he said IRISH LAWS! He came over to my father's house on 12/04/2002! And he attempted to run over my father with his car on July 04, 2002! The Napa Police officer Mr. Andrew Hess, check marked no evidence on the Police report, he was covering up for this lunatic! And he also said under oath in my trial case number CR18340 that he didn't have any problems with me until November 09, 2016! Look at the above date in the photo March 08, 2002! He lied under oath to the court and to the juror's to benefit his conspiracy plans to have me killed in Napa, County jail!

 Napa Police worker Ms. Ashenfilter, putting a red tag on my jeep from a complaint from a neighbor! 

Mr. Darrel Hanson's conversation, I 
found a cassette on my front porch and this is what he says! YouTube

Darrel Hanson, and Richard Paul Eldridge's attorney Duncan Footman. in the above audio on YouTube

Wayne Hanson and Darrel Hanson

This lunatic Mr. Darrel Hanson in the above picture with a camera knows I parked by the telephone pole, when I come over to visit my father. H conspired with the Eldridge family, his brother Mr. Wayne Hanson, a Napa Police officer Mr. Ryan Cole, to do what a neighbor Mr. Leroy Eldridge, did on the day Mr. Hanson, moved in on March 15, 1996, to park his brother's black truck exactly the same place right in the middle of Mr. Viegas, house 527 Monroe Street, knowing that my car front bumper would touch the back bumper of his brother's black truck! This lunatic is restrained from annoying, harassing, keeping us under surveillance on restraining order 26-21550! And yet he didn't mention this in my jury trial case number CR183040!

That is my black jeep behind Mr. Leroy Eldridge's truck and he is supposed to be twenty five yards from my fathers residence and he is parked less than 15 feet from my house 563 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559. And the Napa Police and the Napa District Attorney Department didn't file charges on him! Restraining order 67795!

Leroy Paul Eldridge, license plate.

Richard Paul Eldridge, talking about me!

Richard Paul Eldridge's nephew Dustin Prechel making a comment to me.

Rhonda Eldridge's deceased father Jerry Landfried.

From left to right;

Sarah Marie Curtis, she is now married to Brandon Thornton. Rhonda Rene Eldridge, and her husband Richard Paul Eldridge.

Richard Paul Eldridge, is giving me and my family a message that we are going to jail with the help of corrupted Napa Police Officer's, and with corrupted Napa District Attorney's like Gary Lieberstein, Mark Boessenecker and with racist, and lunatic neighbor Darrel Joseph Hanson.

Mr. Eldridge, violating a Mutual order 67795. Sarah Marie Curtis and Darrel Hanson, used this set up to harass, badger, along with Napa Police officer's Mr. Ryan Cole and Napa Police officer Ms. Kathyren Prim Knutsen.

Rhonda Eldridge, in the middle of this picture getting drunk @ the vineyard!

The red mustang belongs to Mrs. Rhonda R. Eldridge, and Sarah Marie Curtis, decided to set up my brother Mr. Rudy Bauer Garcia, knowing that he parks by the telephone pole all the time! She could of parked the car across the Street, but she hates my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, and she knows he had a heart attack back in Napa Court and she wants him dead!

5 subscribers
Leroy Paul Eldridge is in violation by parking his 4x4 truck 15 feet away from the defendant's house! Leroy Paul Eldridge and his family are ordered to stay away 25 yards from defendant's house! In this video clip is Leroy Paul Eldridge and Tara Jowitt! My name is Perfecto Bauer Garcia, I created this Blog. I believe the real reason for why some Napa Police Officers continue to file false Police reports on my family is because of what had happened in the past; the rightful heir of the Lenore Stearns Estate! This also involved some local law officers! I believe they are blaming my father Rudolph Garcia for their misfortune and their careers due to the circumstances surrounding the Stearns Estate! At one point, former Attorney Lynn Yound had told my father Rudolph Garcia that he and John Baumgartner had stepped on some toes and cost the Napa County a lot of money! I believe some Napa Police Officers are Racist! They have all been trying to convict my family on false charges! They have so much hate for my family! The following people that have the same Hate are: Leroy Paul Eldridge, Richard Paul Eldridge, his wife Rhonda Renee Curtis, Richard's ex-wife Angela Carol Stanton, Madison Rose Eldridge, Dakota Joe Eldridge, Sarah Marie Curtis, her brother Christopher Allen Curtis, Tara Jowitt, Napa Police Officer Judy Bond, Napa Police Officer Andrew Hess, Napa Police Officer Frank Esser, Napa Police Officer Katherine Prim Knutsen, Napa Police Officer Ryan Cole, Former Napa Police employee Pamela Cody, David Swinney, his ex- wife Judy Swinney, Mark Ingalls and his wife Susan Ingalls and does! The Eldridge family was also involved with the Late Lenore Stearns case back in the 80's! Richard Paul Eldridge's mother Janice Eldridge, Barbra VanWormer,his Aunt and his grandma Nettie Fry were leasing the Red Hen Fashions! I believe Richard Paul Eldridge and his family are nothing but liars and Racists! Richard Sister Lea had stated that she was sexually molested by her brother Richard Paul Eldridge! My father and me turned in videos and documents to the Napa District Attorney Department in regards to violations by the Eldridges! The Napa District Attorney Raymond Schaal would not even prosecute Leroy Paul Eldridge, Richard Paul Eldridge and Angela Carol Eldridge for violating Restraining order 67795!

 1. Leroy Eldridge, parking at the same spot on March 15, 1996. In the above YouTube video and audio. Mr. Darrel Hanson, moved in on March 15, 1996.

Darrel Joseph Hanson, takes up two parking spaces and when I pull up to park my car bumper touches the truck bumper. Rhonda Eldridge's daughter Sarah Curtis, used the same kind of set up to harass my father Rudolph Ovalle Garcia and my brother Rudy Bauer Garcia. Sarah Curtis, is aware of my father's health condition! Sarah Curtis, heard my father's testimony that he had a heart attack back in 2005.

2. Darrel Hanson, hates me and my family that he is a on going problem for over twenty years! These racist neighbor's share the same set up's from the past to each other to use against us! Their is a house in between Mr. Hanson's and my house and he has a long driveway he should  have parked his brother's truck in his own driveway! That is why I had to constantly keep him under surveillance to protect myself and my family and to show a pattern of set ups and harassments from this dangerous lunatic Mr. Hanson! First set up was March 15, 1996, by Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge. 

Second set up was August 12, 2004, By Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson. he parked his brother Wayne's truck in the middle in front of Mr. Jose Viegas, house at 537 Monroe Street, knowing I, parked my white saturn sedan by the telephone pole! He wants to fight and he calls the Napa Police department on me and Napa Police officer Mr. Ryan Cole, came over to tell me to move my car because it is touching his brother's truck bumper. And I told the officer why is he parked in front of my neighbors house taking two parking spaces? He just wants to harass and he tells the Napa Court that he just wants for the harassing to stop in my case trial CR183040. And he is the one doing all the harassing for over twenty years!

3. Rhonda Eldridge's daughter Sarah Marie Curtis, parked at that same spot! See the pattern of conspiracy along with the Napa Police officers!

Mr. Christopher Allen Curtis, was asleep across the Street at 554 Monroe, 94559. He was awaken by his sister Mr. Sarah Marie Curtis! He too also came over to my father's house to violently 
holler at my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. All this was unnecessary, all though I'm not surprised because of all them are showing systems of taking Methamphetamine and their was two people arrest at 554 Monroe Street, they all show sign's of side effects of Meth! The arrested was Mr. Jeffrey Bailey and Mr. Craig Lee Bouswma.

Health & Safety Code 11377(a) HS is the California statute that makes it a crime to have unlawful possession of methamphetamines and certain other narcotics. In most cases, simple possession will be charged as a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a maximum fine of $1000.00.

Darrel Hanson, and his girlfriend Christina Marie Smith in the above video.

Judical Officer; Mr. Mark Boessenecker, he had reduced to Misdemeanor! Mr. Boessenecker, was aware of the Methamphetamine users at 554 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. And he was a conflict of interest, bias, racist and he didn't like me to record Methamhetamine users Mr. Darrel Hanson, Mr. Hanson's girlfriend Ms. Christina Marie Smith, and his other girlfriend Ms. Pamela Lunceford! And also Methamphetamine users Mr. Richard Eldridge, and his wife Mrs. Rhonda Eldridge, they are the ones that conspired with everyone in this paragraph! Including, Napa District Attorney Prosecutor Mr. Gary A Van Camp also knew about the Methamphetamine users in my neighborhood! That wasn't mention in my criminal trial case number CR183040! If they can research me from a battery and also my Aka Petro Garcia, nick name when I was boxing at the age of 12 at Action Boxing club! And if I can find out why didn't they bring it up in my trial? 

Mr. Jeffrey Bailey and Judical Officer Mr. Mark Boessenecker, he was the judge in my trial case number CR183040! See above YouTube.

In addition to being addicted to methamphetamine, people who use methamphetamine long term may exhibit symptoms that can include significant anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent behavior.47 They also may display a number of psychotic features, including paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the sensation of insects creeping under the skin).48 Psychotic symptoms can sometimes last for months or years after a person has quit using methamphetamine, and stress has been shown to precipitate spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis in people who use methamphetamine and have previously experienced psychosis.49

Darrel Hanson's brother's truck and that's where he parked the truck to set me up and to annoy, and harass us! He is in violation of restraining order 26-21550!

Darrel Hanson, is less than five feet from my property and he is in violation of my restraining order 26-21550. And once again the Napa Police department and the Napa District Attorney's Department didn't prosecute Mr. Hanson! They are bias and racist!

Darrel Hanson, Screaming at my mother Mrs. Irene Garcia, at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, CA. The document states on going problem with this subject Mr. Darrel Hanson!

True video document of Mr. Hanson's conspiracy, and restraining order violation 26-21550!


Darrel Joseph Hanson, violated my restraining order many complaints turned in to the Napa Police department and the Napa District Attorney's Department and they conspire with Mr. Hanson, to continue his set ups to harm me and my family for their personal vendetta against us! They have nothing but hatred against me and my family due to the Lenore Stearns, case that came out in the Napa Valley Register!

My father Rudy Garcia, another claim in the Mrs. Lenore Stearns, case!

My father's 
attorney Mr. David Linden, in the above news article.

Mrs. Sarah Marie Thornton, aka Ms. Curtis, she is the one conspiring with her mother Mrs. Rhonda Renee Eldridge, her step-father Mr. Richard Eldridge, Napa Police officer Ryan Cole, Napa Police officer Ms. Katherine Prim Knutsen, with Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson, and she is also conspiring with some Napa District attorneys. She is married to Mr. Brandon Thornton. She is the one filed a restraining order on my father on case number 26-32739. 

Lying to the Judge all hearsay no facts! No Police reports on my father for harassing the Eldridge Family!

This is the Transcript, that the Conspirators used to set me up on November 09, 2016, on case number CR183040! It took the Napa District Attorney Ms. Allison Haley, to file charges on me   on April 19, 2017, why did it take that long? My theory is that they were waiting for Lunatic Darrel Joesph Hanson's criminal history to be expunged so the jury will think he is a good neighbor and my public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, wouldn't be able to ask him about all the twenty years of harassing me and my family. And Judge Mark Boessenecker, didn't want another judge to try me in my case CR183040. Because he was bias and protected Darrel Joseph Hanson, in the past on felony charges and he dismissed all charges on Hanson, and he also hated me for filing a lawsuit against him on October 21, 2019. I had him served at his house and his wife, probably read my complaint and I was also told by a probation officer to never serve Mr. Boessenecker, lawsuit papers at his house! 

(Conspirtor's are:)
Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, Address is 554 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
Mrs. Rhonda Renee Eldridge, Same Address as above.
Mrs. Sarah Marie Curtis, Aka Mrs. Thornton Same Address as above.
Darrel Joesph Hanson. Address is 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
Napa Police (Captain) Mr. Andrew Hess.
Napa Police officer Mr. Jeffrey Hansen.
Napa Police officer Michael Moore.
Napa County Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker, Conflict of interest in my trial and he is bias, and he works out at the same gym with Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson.
Corrupted Napa Judge Raymond Guadagni.
Napa County District Attorney prosecutor Mr. Gary A. Van Camp, a conflict of interest in my trial CR183040.
Napa District Attorney Ms. Allison Haley, and the Napa District attorney's that did not prosecute Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, for false Police reports, on felony charges, and violations of restraining order 26-21550. And she didn't investigate me being poison with a deadly drug called PCP and the Napa County Correction officer who put my Cpap machine in the property room in the Napa County Jail. So my heart will stop beatting!

Lunatic racist families the Eldridge's, Curtis's and lunatic Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson!

My father I had a heart attack of August of last year! That would be August of 2005. Ms. Sarah Marie Curtis, Sarah's brother Mr. Christopher Allen Curtis, Sarah's mother Mrs. Rhonda Renee Eldridge, Sarah's step-father Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, and Sarah's step grandfather Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge, they were all in that Napa Court hearing that and they knew of my father's heart attack! And the restraining order was denied by the judge.

They were not happy! So they decided to conspire on February 22, 2012, to park her mother's car 10 feet away from my house. And Ms. Sarah Marie Curtis, ran up my father's stairs and banged on my father's door and started violently HOLLERING AT HIM! She wanted him dead! 

Look at the above video of Ms. Curtis and her brother Mr. Curtis, he is kicking my brothers car bumper! All she had to do is start the car and move away from my father's house! She says in the Transcript I'm tired of waiting for him to do something! So she wants a "FIGHT WITH MY FATHER WHO IS IN HIS 70'S!

My brother is called for a wittiness, his name is Mr. Rudy Bauer Garcia.

Mr. Richard Eldridge, standing.

Racist lunatic Mr. Eldridge! In the above picture.

The flag!

Ms. Madison 
Eldridge, in the above picture.

Sarah Marie Curtis and her brother Christopher Allen Curtis, in the above audio recording.

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, lied under oath that he is selling his house and moving out and he lied and he is a lunatic! And were is he getting information of the past neighbors? Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, has no 
problem lying to Judge's and to a Napa Police officer's are even a Jury! like my case CR183040!

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, doesn't want to be caught on film of his harassing my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, he has threatened me and my family's life many of times!

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, lied to a Napa Police officer Mr. Chapman had said that the restraining order 26-21550, didn't have the box checked for residence! And the Napa Police officer didn't charge him for falsifying a Police report 03-7890 and for violating a restraining order 26-21550!

The Napa District Attorney didn't charge Mr. Hanson for violating a restraining order 26-21550 and for making a false statement about the residence box wasn't checked!

Police report has the wrong address, the correct address is 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA. 94559.

With all the evidence that was submitted and on file at the Napa Court House records the Napa District attorney failed to do their job to protect the Garcia family Civil Rights! They are bias and racist!

Police report has the wrong address, the correct address is 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA. 94559.


Look at box B checked number 3, Residence of person seeking order! Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, is a lunatic, a lier, a racist and a problem to citizens of Napa, California. Why didn't he sell his house and moved out of the neighborhood! One theory is he is being paid to badger and harass, threaten harm to me and my family and even cause death to me and my family! He has the law on his side!

Darrel Joseph Hanson, violating restraining order 26-21550, by keeping the protected persons under surveillance! He is constantly reordering me and my family. And Napa Deputy District Attorney Mr. Mark Boessenecker, is aware of this and he was a conflict of interest in my trial as a judge, he was bias and racist behavior towards me and my family for several years! He had said insufficient evidence! 

My public defender Mr. Andrew Thomas Higgins, and the Napa District Attorney Mr. Gary A. Van Camp, and Mr. Mark Boessenecker, were aware of this lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, was violating restraining order 26-21550, and they kept this evidence away from the jury in my trial case number CR183040! They didn't want for their conspiracy plans to backfire, because they wanted the juror's to find me guilty in which they did so they can proceed to kill me in jail!

The lunatic Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, is lying to the Judge and saying he will be gone by then! This shows he 
is dishonest and lies for his own benefit even if it means to lie to a Police Officer, a Judge and to a Napa prosecutor Mr. Gary A Van Camp, and to jurors on my case number CR183040! To conspire with others to have me killed in Napa County Jail, by poisoned me with a deadly drug called PCP! And have the Napa corrections staff lock up my Cpap machine in the Napa jail property room! So my heart can stop beating!

They all were aware of my sleep apnea, Mr. Mark Boessenecker, even the Napa District Attorney's, my Public defender Mr. Higgins.


The lunatic speaks Darrel Joseph Hanson, I will be moving out in three months!

Three years restraining order 26-21550

Line 16 The Court Mr. Hanson states he is going to put his house up for sale! The lunatic lied to the judge! he is still living in the neighborhood at 531 Monroe Street, Napa, California!

Darrel Joseph Hanson's friend Mathew Harrold

Her son Gilbert Harold Schmidt, lived across the Street, of Darrel Joesph Hanson, 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA.

Gilbert Harold Schmidt ex-wife Hollie Schmidt, Hollie Johnson is remarried.

Mathew Harrold, Sin City!

Mathew Harrold and Darrel Hanson, friends on FaceBook

John Baumgartner and Carl Fry FaceBook friends.

John Clint Sparks, "I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR THEM!

Justin Smith, works for California Department of Corrections. I wonder if he is the one that 
poisoned me with PCP when I was in Napa, County Jail in 2019?

Darrel Hanson's mom Judith Ann Freeman and her husband Donald J Freeman.

Richard Paul Eldridge's ex-wife Angela Carol Stanton, and her friend is Darrel Hanson's girlfriend Pamela Lunceford.

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's aunt Barbara Fry Van Wormer

My public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, didn't mention the above evidence of a lunatic Mr. Hanson, testifying under oath in my trial case number CR183040.
He was incompetent and negligence!

I, had sent the above email to the following people on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, at 4:28 p.m. To Napa Police Chief Mr. Steve Potter, my Napa Public defender Mr. Andrew Thomas Higgins. Napa County Sheriff, all were aware of someone conspiring to kill me in Napa County Jail and they all ignored me and I, was poisoned with a deadly drug called PCP! I, was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. On the day of my release from Napa County Jail on April 22, 2019, I, had my Doctor do a toxic urine screen and they found out I was poison with PCP Abuse while in prison! I, am now suffering many severe injuries due to falls from Napa, County Jail!


1. Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, I, have an audio recording of him threatening my life on several occasions for many years!

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, threatening my life on November 09, 2016. And my Public defender, and the prosecutor and the judge didn't allow this evidence in my jury trial case number CR183040!

2. Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, had said to me I, hope you rot in jail!

3. A Napa County correction officer Mr. Merrill, had said to me your never leaving this jail and you don't know what kind of pills you are getting and he laughed!

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, is insane and a lunatic, some Napa Police officers and Napa District Attorneys and a Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker, and a District attorney Mr. Gary Van A Camp. And corrupted Judge Raymond Guadagni,  had manipulated the Court and jurors in my criminal case CR183040. And the jurors believed this insane man Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson. He lives at 531 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

My public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, didn't mention this in my trial case number CR183040.
He was incompetent and negligence! Darrel Hanson, was attempting to kill my father by blinding him at night as he goes down his stairs!

This is a photo of Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson's, driveway at 531 Monroe Street Napa, California.

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, lied under oath to the jurors and said he took the photo of my car from his front porch. 

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson's girlfriend, is Ms. Pamela Lunceford, in the above article.

Ms. Pamela Lunceford divorce with her 
husband  Brad Odeman.

Mr. Darrel Hanson, with his girlfriend Ms. Pamela Lunceford, liked by Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's ex wife Ms. Angela Stanton.

Ms. Pamela Lunceford, was dating Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson's best friend Mr. Gilbert Schmidt. 

Mr. Darrel Hanson, on the far right wearing a green t-shirt.

Mr. Gilbert Harold Schmidt.
 Whininess are Mr. Darrel Hanson and Ms. Linda L. Leveque, in the above document.

Ms. Linda L. Leveque-Nantz, in the above document.

Friends are Ms. Christina McCarty and Ms. Linda Leveque-Nantz, they are friends with Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, Mr. Gilbert Schmidt, and former Sheriff deputy Mr. Randy Barragan, and Ms. Pamela Lunceford.

Ms. Christina McCarthy, and her cousin Mr. Randy Barragan, former Napa Sheriff deputy, that was accused taking funds from the Napa County and he was also involved with the Mrs. Lenore Stearns case.

Napa Police Captain Andrew Hess, 1.2k views of him being bias and racist!

Mr. Randy Barragan, accused of taking funds in the amount of $3,500. Mr. Randy Barragan, is good friends with Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson.

Mr. John Baumgartner, said that a statement given to 
deceive Little by Stearns Estate figure Richard Lee does not implicate deputies, as Little has alleged. My bileive is that the individuals have so much hatred towards my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, and they are blaming him for the loss of their careers and their names coming out on the Napa News paper as being corrupted and accused.

All the names below are key suspects for Conspiring to kill me and my family by writing false Napa Police report, Napa Police officers, Napa District Attorneys, and a Judge, refused to prosecute restraining order violations for me and my family for over twenty years has caused me and my family to have long term stress Cortisol to our bodies;

The long-term activation of the stress-response system and the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones that follows can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts you at increased risk of many health problems, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Heart disease
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight gain
  • Memory and concentration impairment
1. Napa County Sheriff Mr. John Baugartner, 
2. Former Napa County Sheriff Mr. Randy Baragan,
3.  Former Napa District attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein,
4. Former Napa County deputy District attorney Mr. Mark Boessenecker
5. Napa County Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker.
6. Mr. Andrew Hess Napa Police Captain.
7. Mr. Frank Esser, Napa Police officer.
8. Mrs Judy Bond retired Napa Police officer.
9.  Napa Police officer Ms. Kathryn Prim Knutsen.
10. Napa Police officer Mr. Michael Moore.
11. Napa Police officer Mr. Jeffrey Hansen.
12 Mr.  Richard Paul Eldridge, address 554 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
13. Mrs Angela Carol Eldridge, Aka Mrs. Stanton.
14. Mrs.  Madison Rose Eldridge, address 554 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
15. Mr. Dakota Eldridge, 554 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
16. Mrs. Sarah Marie Curtis, Aka Mrs. Thornton.
17. Mr. Christopher Allen Curtis
18. Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson, address is 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
19. Ms. Pamela Lunceford, address is 531 Monroe Street, Napa, CA., 94559.
20. Napa Retired District Attorney Mr. Gary Van Camp.
21. Corrupted Judge Raymond Guadagni.

Mrs. Wendy Couch, is friends with Napa Police officer Mrs. Judy Bond!

Mrs. Rhonda Renee Eldridge's sister is Mrs. Wendy Couch!

As a general rule, under Evidence Code 1101, character evidence is not admissible in a California jury trial to show that a person acted in accordance with his or her character on a particular occasion. ... Thus, they are character evidence and should not have been admitted in a trial.



  ( Division 9 enacted by Stats. 1965, Ch. 299. )

CHAPTER 1. Evidence of Character, Habit, or Custom [1100 - 1109]
  ( Chapter 1 enacted by Stats. 1965, Ch. 299. )


Except as otherwise provided by statute, any otherwise admissible evidence (including evidence in the form of an opinion, evidence of reputation, and evidence of specific instances of such person’s conduct) is admissible to prove a person’s character or a trait of his character.

(Enacted by Stats. 1965, Ch. 299.)

Napa County Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker, my Public Defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, allowed 1101 evidence to be produce by the Napa County District Attorney Mr. Gary Van Camp, to introduce my criminal record from the past on a battery on a Napa Police Officer, and my character of keeping Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson, under surveillance all the time! But my Napa Public attorney Mr. Andrew Higgins, and Mr. Camp and Judge Mr. Mark Boessenecker was aware of the restraining orders from the past and I should have been abled to use all of my 1101 evidence in my trial case number CR183040. Pure "BIAS"!

Conflict of interest and bias towards me and my family! Me and my family turned in two Police reports of violations of a felony restraining order 26-21550. Case number 04-6220, was a felony charge against Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, and Mr. Boessenecker, was bias there was plenty of evidence to convict Mr. Hanson!

Felony charges on Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, in the above Police report 04 6220, and the bias and racist deputy district attorney Mr. Boessenecker, and Judge Mr. Boessenecker, allowed a lunatic Mr. Hanson to be free to badger and harass me and my family for over twenty years! And also allowed this lunatic to lie and testify under oath in my trial case number CR183040!

Wrong address, his correct address is 531 Monroe Street, Napa, 94559.

Mr. Boessenecker, had stated insufficent evidence! He is bias and racist! 

Napa Police report 03-12387;

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, violated my father's restraining order case number 26-21550, Mr. Hanson, stipulates that he will not shine a laser into Mr. Garcia's residence on restraining order 26-21550! Mr. Boessenecker, said insufficient evidence! Again bias and racist! Corrupted Judges, Raymond Guadagni, and Mark Boessenecker, and corrupted District Attorneys and corrupted law enforcement!

Lunatic Mr. Darrel Hanson, pointing a laser at my eyes! And the Napa District Attorney Miki Tal didn't prosecute him!

Napa District Attorney's and Napa Judges are giving this lunatic Mr. Hanson free will to commit criminal violence towards me and my family without consequences! He is above the law!

Ms. Miki Tal, former Napa District Attorney.

The above document was also a part of my evidence that I wasn't allowed to use in my trial by the Judge and attorneys showing the bias of Napa Police officer Mr. Andrew Hess, that took the Police report of Mr. Hanson attempting to run over my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia on July 4, 2002. Mr Andrew Hess, was a conflict of interest and he was bias against me and my family from the past and present along with several Napa Police officers in my trial he had took the Police report from Mr. Darrel Hanson, on November 9, 2016.

Mr. Andrew Hess, in the above link being bias and racist toward my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, a victim of Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson!

Mr. Andrew Hess, in the above link being bias and racist toward my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, a victim of Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson!

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, Threating my fathers life telling him he knows to much and he will be six feet under soon and to go back to "MEXICO"! To watch click on the above link. Watch until the end because he comes over on 12 06, 2002, to badger my parents and accuses of them stealing! When he knows that his Neighbor across the Street from him is a thief and his name is Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge.

Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, Threatning my life audio recording of his voice on November 9, 2016, this evidence wasn't allowed by my Napa Public attorney Mr. Anrew Hess! Case number CR183040.

I, should have been allowed to use all my evidence to show the jurors and the Judge that Mr. Hanson has motive to lie under oath because of his hatred towards me and my family and because he has threatining our lives that we will be six feet under soon! He is racist and a Luna tick!

Napa Police Officer Mr. Michael Lee Moore, didn't file any charges on Mr. Darrel Joseph Hanson, when I made the  request by his email address! Corruption in the Napa Police department. Darrel Hanson, threatened my life on 11/9/2016! And that Mr. Hanson, is insane and a lunatic!

I don't even know Mr. Mathew Harrold!

Mr. Mathew Harrold's FaceBook Friend is Mr. Darrel Hanson.

Mr. Mathew Harrold, Sin City!

Ms. Julie Pieper's 
Friends have a lot of hatred and they are racist towards me and my family are Mrs. Judy Bond a retired Napa Police officer, Mr. Darrel Hanson, Mrs. Angela Carol Stanton, Her daughter Ms. Madison Eldridge, had constantly lied to the neighbors and the Napa Police department that a restraining order number 67795 wasn't a Mutual order. 

Click on the link above

Click on the link above

In the above court document, was a Mutual restraining order case number 67795, and Mr. Leroy Eldridge, his son Mr. Richard Eldridge, his daughter in-law Mrs Angela Eldridge, his Daughter Lea Eldridge, his girlfriend Ms. Tara Jowitt, and along with some neighbors, some Napa Police Officers, some Napa District attorneys and some Napa Judges were to conspire to falsify a legal restraining order after hearing by having the Napa Superior Court Supervisor Ms. Betty Sue Calossa, to leave out the Judge's order that the restraining order is Mutual! And I believe they set me up on November 09, 2016, by using neighbors Mr. Eldridge, Mrs. Rhonda Eldridge, Mrs Sarah Marie Curtis, Mr. Darrel Hanson, Napa Police Captain Mr. Andrew Hess, Napa Police officer Mr. Michael Moore, Napa Police Officer Mr. Jeffrey Hansen, Napa County Judge, Mr. Mark Boessenecker, Napa County Prosecutor, Mr. Gary Van A. Camp, and my Public defender Mr. Anrew Thomas Higgins, Napa Police Officer Mr. Ryan Cole, Mr. Cole, had a relative as juror in my trial in case number CR183040.

All the above conspirators have had so much hatred against me and my family for over twenty years and they want us to suffer and die even if it means to break the law! I was put in Napa County Jail to be killed! They poisoned me with PCP and they took away my sleep apnea machine and put it the Jail property room! I have documents and proof that what I'm saying is true!

Ms. Betty Sue Calassa, in the above picture.

This restraining order was to expire 12/14/196 and Ms. Betty Sue Calassa, crossed out 96 and changed to 97 without going back to Court! Conspiracy all the way!

Mr. David J. Linden, was my father's attorney in a lawsuit against Mrs. Lenore Stearns for a breach of contract. Mr. Eldridge, ex-wife Ms. Janice Eldridge, Ms. Barbara Van Wormer, Ms. Nettie Fry, Ms. Jessie Lunceford, Mr. Darrel Joesph Hanson's girlfriend Ms. Pamela Lunceford, have ties to my father's lawsuit of Mrs. Lenore Stearns!

Ms. Pamela Lunceford and boyfriend Mr. Gilbert Schmidt

Ms. Pamela Lunceford, decided to hook up with this lunatic Mr. Darrel Hanson, to use him for her personal vendetta against me and my family because of her ties to the Lenore Stearns case!

Mr. Leroy Eldridge, slave receipt in the above divorce document.

My public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, didn't mention this in my trial case number CR183040.
He was incompetent and negligence!

My public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, didn't mention this in my trial case number CR183040.
He was incompetent and negligence!

I, was charged with case number CR183040, who is  defendant Carlos Hernandez?

My public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, didn't mention this in my trial case number CR183040.
He was incompetent and negligence!

My public defender Mr. Andrew Higgins, didn't mention this in my trial case number CR183040.
He was incompetent and negligence!

I Perfecto Bauer Garcia, was a victim in the Napa Corrections Jail and there was an attempt to kill me by putting my sleep apnea machine in the jail property room.  And I was poisoned with a deadly drug called PCP! I called the Napa District attorneys office and they refused to investigate on who tried to kill me!

 Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, Also goes by Mr. Rudy Garcia, vineyard manager for the late Mrs. Lenore Stearns, in the above news article. He is my father.

Mrs. Lenore Stearns, hand written will to my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia.

My cousin Mr. Louie Garcia.

Mr. Gary A. Van Camp, was a conflict of interest in my trial case number CR183040. Mr. Edward Ingalls, had live on my block on Monroe Street, Napa, 94559. He was involved with the Lenore Stearns case, with my cousin Louie Garcia, and former N.S.I.B Police officer Mr. Richard Marion Lee.

Mrs. Susan Ingalls, and her husband Mr. Mark Edward Ingalls.

I, had to protect my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, from jail and from racist neighbors, corrupted law enforcement that had conspired with the Eldridge family on restraining order number 67795! They falsified a legal court document restraining order 67795, that was "MUTUAL"! And with the help with some corrupted Napa Police Officers and the help with some corrupted Napa District Attorneys, would have succeeded if I wasn't around to protect him by constantly using a camcorder and purchasing legal court documents to prove their conspircy's against me and my family!

Mr. Richard Marion Lee, is now deceased.

My Father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia and Mrs. Lenore Stearns, phone call conversation at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

My Mother Mrs. Irene Garcia and Mrs. Lenore Stearns, phone call conversation at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

My Father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia and Mrs. Lani Stearns, phone call conversation at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

My Father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia and Mr. Marion Dawson Lee, phone call conversation at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

My Father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia and Mr. Marion Dawson Lee, phone call conversation at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

My Father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia and Mr. Mr, Phillip (Bucky) Stewart, phone call conversation at 563 Monroe Street, Napa, California.

Corrupted law official's got in the way of my father's inheritance! Sheriff deputies Mr. Bill Munk, and Mr. Richard Andersen! These people in the above document are blaming me and my family for their misfortune and loss of their careers!

Corrupted law official's got in the way of my father's inheritance! Sheriff deputies Mr. Bill Munk, and Mr. Richard Andersen!

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's Mother the late Ms, Janice Eldridge, was married to Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge. Richard's aunt is Ms. Barbara Van Wormer. Richard's grandmother is the late Nettie Fry. Richard's uncle is Carl Fry. Carl Fry, is close friends with the former Napa District Attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein and that is why the Eldridge family were never prosecuted for their restraining order violations on case number 67795.

Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge's uncle is Mr. Carl Fry and Mr. Gary Lieberstein's is FaceBook friends with Richard's uncle Mr. Carl Fry. And that is why he was never prosecuted for perjury and for restraining order violations case number 67795! Richard Eldridge, conspired with some Napa Police officer's and conspired with neighbors on Monroe Street, Napa, California.


Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, perjured himself and with all the evidence that I turned in he was never charged for his crime!

Former Napa District Attorney Mr. Gary Lieberstein, failed to do his job for the people and myself and my family! He didn't charge Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge, for perjury and for 

Mrs. Angela Carol Eldridge, joined the Napa Police Crime Watch and she is not to harass my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, and she has to stay away from him and his residents of twenty five yards! Meaning she cannot come out of her house without violating a MUTUAL Restraining order case number 67795.

Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge, talking to my father Mr. Rudolph Ovalle Garcia, in the above YouTube video and audio.

False Napa Police Report by Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

The Napa Police Department is Conspiring with the Eldridge family by not pressing charges on the Eldridge family for filing false Police Reports! And Napa Police Officers are advising Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge's Son Mr. Richard Paul Eldridge on what to do! Read letter below!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

Napa Police Officer Mr. Paniagua, responded to the call for Mr. Leroy Paul Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge!

Another false Police Report by Mr. Eldridge! Mrs. Angela Carol Eldridge, filing a false Napa Police Report!

Ms. Lea Ann Eldridge, in the above picture.

Ms. Betty Sue Calassa, Napa County Supervisor for Napa Superior Court House, Napa California.

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Darrel Joseph Hanson, HARRASING ME AT 563 MONROE STREET NAPA CA 94559.

  By Perfecto Bauer Garcia.    Friday August 18, 2023.